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 I paused then, unsure of what to do. Do I walk in? Do I run away screaming? Namjoon had very clearly told me to avoid this room because the girl in there wanted me dead. Then again, Namjoon didn't seem to have the clearest of heads, and his friend didn't even know he was alive.

I wondered who the girl would be. As much as I tried to remember, I couldn't remember there being a girl. Not that I knew what I was trying to remember.

In fact, I realized as I stood there, that there were many things that I struggled to remember. I tried to remember my mother's face, what I had been doing before I arrived at the motel door. After some time, a blurry face formed in my mind, and a train station. But I couldn't be sure what that train station was.

I knocked on the door. No one answered. My hand went to the doorknob, and it opened slowly with a creak. No one stopped me.

The room I walked into was magnificent like the room Namjoon had been in, but it was entirely different. While that one was filled with artwork and statues, this one had crumbling walls and graffiti. Only the ceiling was truly beautiful - it seemed to be a perfect recreation of the night sky. I saw constellations and faraway planets, the light of stars that had burned out centuries ago.

"You must be new here," a girl's voice said.  

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