Grandpa Loses Control

Start from the beginning

Zoisite noticed this and for once seeming to care there were other civilians in the area, disappeared without his showy flower petals. Leaving the two crows flying around with nothing to attack and slightly confused.

"Phobos! Deimos!" Rei called out to them. Grandpa was now sitting up thanks to Rei's help, yet he was still in pain from both the fall and the after affects of the Dark Crystal. "Are you okay, Grandpa? What happened to you?!" Rei asked, strongly concerned.

However, she was soon distracted by the sound of grunt, yawning, and stretching. Stretching as he woke up, the young man that had been sleeping peacefully until now woke up.

Yawning, he stratched the back of his head and turned around to ask. "What was that noise?"

"Who's there?" Rei asked.

"Huh?" the man asked as he looked up and his eyes were visible. Revealing black/dark blue eyes as he gazed at Rei. Gasping as Rei could have sworn she saw hearts in his eyes. With a dark blush the guy chuckled a bit before scurrying over and bowing before them.

"Hi! My name's Yuichiro Kumada and I beg of you! I have one request. Make me your apprentice!" Yuichiro begged them. The blush still prevalent as his eyes were once again hidden by his hair.

"Huh?" Rei and Grandpa asked confused by this out of the blue request.

"Oh! I'll need to tell Nanami I'll be in the area for awhile too." Yuichiro remembered as he sat back up and then returned to begging.

"Nanami?" Rei muttered confused. 'Who is this guy?'


Back in Zoisite's jungle garden, he watched with the Dark Crystal as Grandpa struggled with the power within. "The Rainbow Crystal inside the old man has already begun to awaken... That Rainbow Crystal of yours will be mine before you know it!" laughing evilly at his victims vain attempts to fight back.


The next day, Rei was surrounded by her friends after school as the four of them stood just outside of the shrine grounds to talk. She had shared some of her concerns with them about her grandpa.

"So wait, you mean your grandpa's been acting even weirder than he normally does?" Usagi asked.

"Yeah, that's for sure..." Rei told them as she thought about all the weird things her grandpa had done since the night before.

Even as they walked up the steps to the shrine, Grandpa was at it again. Along with his new apprentice, he had climbed a tall tree and set up ropes to swing from. Around their necks were blankets they were using as capes. Grandpa had green and Yuichiro, blue. He was now dressed similar to his master with his white traditional kimono shirt, light blue hakama, and the socks and sandals.

Grandpa jumped out of the tree and spun like he was doing a cannonball trick as he spread his arms wide and caught the rope. Swinging like a monkey or Tarzan as he yelled and swung to the next rope. "Ahhh! Hah!" Then he let go and curling into a ball, he landed perfectly on his feet without breaking a sweat. "Ha! Ha ha ha! Okay, Yuichiro! Your turn!"

Grandpa yelled at his apprentice. Urging the guy who had witnessed all this from the tree they had climbed. In shock, awe, and fearful of his own life. He wondered how a man of his sensei's age was able to do all that!

Yuichrio let out nervous moan. "But why do I have to do these things?!" He questioned.

"It's training stuff!" Grandpa answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Uh, okay... Ahhhh!" Yuichrio nervously screamed as he tried to imitate his master and jumped out of the tree. He doesn't even try all the tricks his master used as he barely managed to grab the first rope. Screaming all the way and he seemed to be doing okay until the rope snapped under the stain of holding him up. Screaming in earnest as he flailed in the air and still held the rope left in his hands.

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