"Hold on a second." Ayame sighed at her friend before rubbing her head. "First you were down as bedrock for days and now you're on cloud nine. Come down for a moment and think about this rationally. What do you really know about Masato? He's spoken to you, what? A handful of times if that? I bet you only like him because of his looks. Like you said, he's older than you. He could just be toying with you. I'm the one who's spent more time with him!" she told her, slowly getting frustrated at the girl.

"Oh boy..." Usagi muttered. "Listen to me! I know all about him! He's no good!" She said, frantic.

"How do you know him?" Ayame challenged. She was sure Usagi had spent even less time than Naru around Masato.

"Oh, forget it! I shouldn't have told you! Hmph!" Naru said angry at her friends lack of support and walked off in a huff.

Ayame shakes her head at Naru's direction and at Usagi. "That went well. I'm going to go. See ya later, Usagi." Sighing, she got out of the pool and after gathering her things and left the pool.

No longer in the mood to go anywhere else, going home seemed like the best course of action to Ayame.

'Usagi and Naru don't know what they're talking about.' Ayame thought, determined, only to release a sigh afterwards. She wondered if she even knew sometimes. She noticed she was walking by Masato's mansion and as she gazed at it she wondered what the president was up to. Turning away, Ayame continued home. She needed someone to talk to and even though she had a feeling this would come back to bit her, she decided Actaeon would be the best choice.

After greeting her parents, she went to her room and upon opening the door saw her furry friend sitting curled up on a cushion.

"Hey, Actaeon." She greeted him.

Raising his head up Actaeon smiled at her. "Welcome back, Ayame. You're back a bit early. You were so excited to spend time with Usagi and Naru when you left. Did something happen?" He asked.

"You could say that. Naru declared she was in love with Masato. I questioned her about it and Usagi just flipped out in general. Then, Usagi said, and I quote, 'Listen to me! I know all about him! He's no good!' Like she's an expert." Ayame said with an eye roll. "Naru's probably gotten a big head because Masato danced with her. He only did that because I suggested it. She's only spoken to him at least twice! She was acting like she was all that and how mature she is because she knows 'what it's like to be a grown-up in love' " Ayame said with air quotes. "Ugh!" she ended her rant as she fell over on her bed.

"Then I ask myself the same questions I asked Naru and Usagi. Do I really know him? Is what I'm feeling really it? I just don't know what to do Actaeon." Ayame told him.

Actaeon watched his charge for a moment before saying, "You're in love with Masato." His tone neither accusing, nor laughing. Simply stating the truth.

Ayame nodded but didn't look at him. "I hate to admit this to you, but yes. You, Jing, and Nanami have all teased me about and I really didn't want to tell you, but I needed someone to talk to."

"How long have you known?" Actaeon asked.

"Who knows. I've been denying it for a while now. I truly realized it the night of the ball." Ayame admitted. "What should I do?"

Coming over, Actaeon gently rubbed his head against her cheek in an attempt to cheer her up. Ayame finally smiling at him as she waited for his answer.

"I'm not going to laugh at you Ayame and if I do tease you about it later, it will all be in good fun. Falling in love with someone is one of the most wonderful things. I've seen two couples before who fell in love and they couldn't be happier. Naru is undoubtedly attracted to Masato Sanjouin, but from past experience seeing others in love, she isn't truly in love. Like you said earlier, Usagi and Naru don't know anything. For now, just watch and see what happens. The impatient one always loses." Actaeon assured her.

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