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(HyoBin's POV)

What will you call a situation where you have to come back to the start point? Or in my case under the protection wing of your family? 

Believe me, an overprotective family is a headache sometimes. You may have your freedom, but within the range of their sight. It is totally disaster!

Oh silly me! I'm spouting something that you don't have any clue, right? Allow me to explain and introduce…….. so you can get a clear view.😉

Hi!!!! I am Rin HyoBin, an actor since a year ago. I am the third child of the Rin family which owns several world wide businesses. 

Which means I am someone who born with a gold spoon (rich). So you may ask, ' why are you work as a actor?'. 

The simple answer is ' I want to be independent.'

Since I was born into this world, I am suffering from an illness. I don't want to use medical terms to complicate what I am saying. So simply I am suffering with a heart issue, a hole in the heart to be exact.

Since this issue with me, my life is always on the line. So that's why I have an overprotective family. 

It would have been good if only my family is overprotective towards me. But the situation I face is not only my family, my friends and fellow actors and workers also the same.

On top of that I am already suffering with amnesia, another disaster. 

I can't remember the certain period of time and certain someone - my first love to be exact. What do you feel when you know you loved someone and that someone is a boy and you feel like you lost? 

Strangely enough I can remember the person I loved is a boy. And top of that I have a video which I made to confess to him.

The me in the video is playing a guitar while singing a mellow song. My face was pink due to me blushing while doing a speach.

" I know this song is bit lame. But every words in this song are represent my genuine feelings. We have been best friends since two years. I don't know when and how I fell for you. But I certainly know that beside you, no one I will love……" 

The me in the video quickly stopped recording, hearing a male voice which makes my heart ponder just by hearing it's voice.

I guess may be I didn't confess to him back then or he rejected me. Either way here I am searching for him to fill my hole in the memory. 

But now thinking about it, I think the fill the hole in my memory will be harder than patching the hole in my heart.

So just to find that person, I became an actor. It is because either my parents or siblings don't tell me anything regarding him, leaving me less options. 

But the most I need is to be independent. However the situation nowhere near the independence!!!

Here I am signed up as the first actor of the idle group called Moons. Moons is the one of top five male idle group in S.Korea which belongs to my dad's company - RTEC (Rin, the Training and Entertainment Cooperation). 

And destroying my independent life here me bounded to that idle group. Dad said it as a historical event which an idle group own an actor. Sure it is the first time happening an actor who doesn't belongs to music field give his authority to an idle group.

This is all due to my overprotective family. They basically took me back under their wings!


I wonder what will happen from now on……


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