Chapter 10

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Star's POV

I wake up in the morning and today The Cleaved World is really peaceful. I go down stairs and see my Mom, "Hey Mom.", I talk to her. " You need to eat your breakfast now before we will have your class with Marco.", I take a sit and eat my breakfast my Mom made today. I go to class and see Marco, "Hey Marco.", he kiss me on the lips and it is sweet and warm. "Hey Star how is your sleep?", he ask me and it was great.

"Yes it is a great sleep.", we continue look at my Mom for lesson and 30 minutes later. "Star! Oh and also Marco.", Pony Head fly to us and talk how we have been. And also let's not forget, teaching us about parties, dances and gossip, that's our Pony Head. 30 minutes later the guard come to our room and take Pony away from us. And she will say this, " This is not the last you've seen me, I will be back!", Pony always say this line.

After we finish our lesson me and Marco go to the room all day with Pony Head talking and laugh some jokes that Pony Head said. After some weeks me and Marco become really good at our studies about each other's planet. I'm at my room ready to eat dinner with the Diaz and my family. "Star are you ready?", Mom ask me while she open the door.

I put down the brush in my hand and said, "Yes I am.", I wear really formal for the dinner because for some reason Dad said it's a important dinner with the Diaz so we need to wear fancy clothes. I walk downstairs with my mother and see the Diaz and my Dad at the dining table, waiting at us. "Oh you two down early.", Dad said and we go to them for dinner.

Tom's POV

I'm at my home doing some paperwork for my parents because their sick and I really need to help Dad's paperwork coz it's a lot. I'm already 17, helping my patents makes me happy but for some reason something I felt missing. I've done my work for 3 days straight without sleep but I finish at last. I throw myself on my bed and sleep for a day.


They talk and it's sometimes Boring but Star talk to Marco. "What's with the fancy dress anyway?", she ask. "It's a surprise.", he whisper to her. "What's the surprise?", she is curious about it. Angie starts to talk, "Everyone I have an important announcement to make. Marco…", he nodded and look at Star.

He hold her hand and look at her with his. "Star, when we cleaved the world, I was thinking about this until now.", "What do you mean Marco?", she ask and curious about what he said and don't understand about it. "Star will you…marry me?", she thought this was a important event like royal stuff like that or others but it's a engagement event.

She look at her parents and they starts to cry, even almost everyone have tears in their eyes. One thing I said and it's only one word. "No?", the moment went to silent and gasp around the area. "I don't know Marco, I felt it's the best not now I'm not ready yet.", he put the ring in his pocket and look at me said, "OK, one day I will marry you Star.", he promise and she smile at him.

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After a year, he again propose to me but I still said no. I don't know why, I love Marco but I don't know why my lips has its own saying. But I felt scared when Marco propose to me at first. Right now I feel I don't want him propose to me, it's strange I don't want to marry the one I love. I was in my room reading a book then I heard the door open. "Star I need to talk to you urgently…", I look at my mother. "What happen to you? I thought you would say yes but…what is the problem Star?", she ask me this question.

"I…I don't know Mom, for the first time I don't have a reason.", my mom starts to strange about me and then said something. "I'll give you think about it, you're still young after all.", she close the door and I continue reading the book. I read the book called "True Love", story about a 27 year old woman and the same age man's adventure. And it felt I'm like the young woman and I continue reading it.

"Felix hold on…", May tried to help him but…, "It's no use May, you need to let go. If don't we both die.", Felix said while almost slip his hand from May's. "No! Not leaving you here. What about our child?", she starts to burst to tears, dropped down at his face.

I started to cry about the ending and they survived from the fall and they have a happy family with their child Max. After reading this I felt someone is close to me, it's not Marco but someone. I got a text message from Pony Head, "Hey B-fly, I just wonder if you want to have a break with these royal stuff and hand out with me?", she texted.

"Sure why not. I like a break with you best pal.", I text back and Pony Head really quickly texting back at me. "OK B-fly, I'll be there like 10 minutes, you can go early if you want.", she texted. "OK, I'll be early.", I texted her and she gave a OK emoji. I'm at the counter order a cup of green tea latte and sit beside a big glass window. I look at the window wondering who is close to me, who is that person?

I heard a door open and I thought it's Pony Head because it's already 10 minutes. But it was another person that caught my eyes, a three eye demon wearing a suit with black long pants and I look at him. I felt I know him before but I don't know who he is. He accidentally hitting my shoulder and he was sorry about it. I still look at him but Pony Head snap me out, "Star why you watching him?", she ask.

"I think I know him but I don't remember him or I have mistaken about it.", I said and Pony is weird about it. "Why you know him? I don't know him either.", she also don't know him. Until I stand up because he was about to go, I grab his hand not letting him go. He look back and see me with eyes I can't described about it.

"Your the girl I have sorry for, what do you want?", he ask. "Have we met before?", I ask. "No but I felt we do have right?", he said. Our faces are inches away, before I knew my lips and his were touched. I felt not sweet and warm but passion and fire, I see myself have butterflies and flames around me even this demon. We let go make Pony Head in shocked about what just happen. "I'm sorry…", I apologize but something was out of my lips. "Tom…", I said and shook what I said.

"How did you know my name Star?", he said. "Well I don't know…wait you said my name!", we both don't know what is with us but a vision is in my mind, a woman at a garden full of trees. "What is happening?", I ask myself and visions started to pop out in my mind until I collapse on the floor. "Star!", Pony Head go to my side. Tom also felt headache on him, we each other looking our pain in our minds until I fell asleep.

I wake up and see a person at my side it's Tom. We wake up at the same time, weird and I start to talk to him. "Who are you anyway?", I ask. "Star?", he have tears roll down and mine too. "What's happening?", he ask me but I don't know, we were confuse. "Tom do you remember me?", I ask him and he nodded. We look at each other and finally remember everything. I go to him and we hug I felt comfort and safe in his hands.

I know what happen in the dream but it's real, I recollect everything I have done. "Tom I…I don't know what to say.", I was speechless about everything. "Star, I also really confuse but glad I remember you.", he said and we embrace a hug again.

Thank you for reading it I think this book has reached the end but not yet. I don't know, I'll see then what I have any ideas. But most of all thank you for reading this chapter.

A Friend That I LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz