Chapter 7

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Tom wake up his sleep realise the mermaids watch him. "What are you guys looking at me?", he ask. The mermaids starts to giggle and pointing a person. "Star?", he realise Star is sleeping in his arms while he is shirtless. "What is it Tom?", she ask. She sees herself with Tom sleep together make their surroundings really awkward. "Um...", Star blush about it and she's speechless.

"You two are so cute together!", Miranda said. "OK girls we have to go now.", Tom said make the mermaids make a frown. "I promise we will come back and have fun, we could watch a movie.", he said this every mermaid swim to them and have a group hug. "Be careful on your journey.", Miranda said. "We will.", Star said. They go out from the ocean and head off to The Swan Of Lake.

They proceed their journey as they are going to the mountain. They found themselves an abandoned house, they look at it felt they want to go in. "You want to go in Star?", Tom ask. "I don't know, there could be a ghosts or something?", Star look at the house like it's haunted. "Let's check it out then, maybe their is something that we need in there. I can feel it...", Tom said. Star open the gates and they go in to the house.

The place is really dark and old, the paper wall is old and shredded. There are paintings on the floor one or two, likely it's already abandoned a long time, 30 or 40 years? "Who's house is this?", she ask. "I dont know Star, I didn't saw this house before.", he said then they see an elevator in front of them. "It's an elevator.", Star question why their is a elevator even thought the house is two floors only.

"Shall we go in?", Star ask. "Well it's not really have a choice, there is no path to go now.", Tom said and the duo step in the elevator and it automatic go down. "So this elevator leads us where exactly?", he ask Star. "Just watch and see then.", her answer to Tom. The doors open and two red eyes, in the middle of the dark. The eyes are normal and didn't know who belongs to but they felt the creepiest thing in their lives.

Star couldn't look at the eyes, felt so creepy and felt afraid. Tom on the other hand was regret to go down instead of out of this house. The two didn't even move nor the creature or the eyes. "Tom...I'm scared...", Star's voice starts to shake. Everything they see in the eyes is afraid and they want to cry for some reason. They tried to go back but the elevator didn't take them back, they are stuck. "Tom...", Star starts to cry, hugging Tom. "We can do this Star, we can do it. Be brave...", Tom encourage Star to stay strong but they felt afraid.

Tom and Star hold their hands tightly to walk out the elevator. They see the eyes still looking at them while they walk the other side of the room. Tom try to use fire to bright the place but only brighten up themselves. They see the door and open to the other room, they take a deep breath what they just did and feel relieved. But mystery is what is that thing? Why is it here? Those answers will never been solve by them.

The room is cold...? "Another strange place...", Tom said then didn't say a word. "Tom what's wrong? What did you...", Star felt words don't know how to describe, she cover her mouth with shocked. "No it can't be.", Tom's eyes only see this figures in front of him. "Mom? Dad?", Tom sees his parents hang from the ceiling and hung their necks. The room is really big that his mother can be hang.

"What?", Star sees her parents too in the same manner. "No, it's a nightmare.", Star froze and don't want to see it. She starts to cry again, her tears getting colder and colder. Tom wipe them before it freezes, and hug his friend with warmness and comfort. "We should move on right now.", they proceed, not looking at their parents. They see an elevator in front of them, it again automatically open to them. "Star it's going to be fine, hold my hand.", she nodded and hold his hand and straight forward to the elevator.

They got in the elevator, they fell on the ground. "Tom, I'm too afraid now.", their eyes became watery, starts to lose their minds. "Me too.", Tom hug his legs leaning to his chest. His eyes cannot take this horror, he starts to cry when he recollect his parents. "Tom I know is hard but we will found a way to get out.", Star said with despair but still comfort him. "Alright.", Tom sigh. Then a voice in their minds, not in the speaker. "So have you got any issues about this, thinking your hearts are raising don't you?", the voice ask.

Tom stay strong as brave about to speak but, "So you like the ride don't you?", it said. "We want to get out this torture place, we hate it.", Tom starts to spoke up to be brave. "So you don't like it do you?", it ask. "I hate one single bit and I hate you done to us. I don't know who you are or what you are but SCREW YOU!", Star said to it. The elevator first is going up but then down as fast as they didn't expect. "I really hate you all! You! These young adults! You pissed me right now and I'm doing the WORST OF YOU!!!", they black out and with no clue how.

Tom wake up in a room and with hesitation he called her name, "Star!", Tom look around the area but no sign of her. "Are you happy that you're alone?", it ask. "Where am I?", he ask himself and stand up while he stop moving with the chains lock with his hands. "No.", he look around if there is a possibility of escaping this prison but not a single thing in the room. Just him, the chains with the wall attached to it and a single door. The light in the room use a yellow light bulb shine below Tom.

"You liking the place? Good because I want to help your little girlfriend teach some manners.", Tom's mind can't take this anymore. "Where is she? What have you done to her?", he ask. "Torture her with axes and knifes, tore her shirt, and make her suffer until she die.", Tom starts to use his strength to break the chains. "Don't do this to her, torture me instead!", he begged for mercy on Star. "This girl said to me something bad and I need to teach her something she won't forget!", but it was no use.

"" Star whimpered about the pain she received.

"I need to think quick but how?", the demon ask himself for a strategy. Suddenly the door got kick by someone he was familiar with. "Tom I need to get you out of here!", the voice also a while he didn't hear. "Pony Head!?", it was Pony Head. "But how?! Me and Star thought your dead!", Tom freak out about this. "No time for this it's time to save Star.", Pony strike the chains using an axe to cut the chains. He nodded and the two friends find their teammate in trouble.

The two see the whole rooms is completely different what their perspective. "The rooms is different before I got to your room.", Pony find a solution to this puzzle place. They find and find but it got stranger then before. "This is getting hard then before...", Tom said them he heard a scream from door across the hallway. "There it is.", They run to the door but no one is here. "Damn it!", he cursed himself. "Tom we have a chance to find her.", Pony added.

"No, if I...if I just don't suggest to go in, Star won't be dead, it's all my fault.", Pony starts to worry about Star too but she still have faith that she's alive. "Tom the past is the past and right now we are in a situation, we need to find her before she...", they heard a scream again. "Tom it's near, we still have hope.", They are in a room with full of portraits and they are creepy ones. "We just need...", Pony see a picture of a forest with a arrow on the middle.

"Tom I found what is it now.", she said. "There is a secret passage in here, this portrait leads to the door." Tom looked at the frame and the arrow is direct to a eye and the eye again see a picture, that is a woman. The women is pointing at the sea but it is pointing at another portrait. And finally a picture of a little girl and when they remove it, it was a door knob. They open the door and it leads to a room, they see Star with wounds and scars on her and bleeding from the injuries.

"Star!", the two go to her and see her injuries. It's bad, they need to heal her badly but, "Well you have finally made to this point.", it didn't reveal itself but it is talking to them. "I see you reached the end of my game, well done! You can leave or you want to end this house?", they want to revenge this guy but Star is really in a bad condition. "No we will leave here and we won't come back again.", Tom said then see a door that they can go out this house. They got out and see Star's condition.

"Star...", he smoothed her cheek and her eyes began to flatter a bit. "Tom...", with gladness Tom starts to burst to tears. "Star...", Pony Head also do the same. "Pony Head?", she said. "Yes it's me Star, I'm here B-fly.", Pony Head cries how long he didn't see them. "I'm glad your alive Pony Head.", Star close her eyes and rest on the grass. "We should get going, Pony Head can you help us in our journey?", he offer Pony Head to join and she agreed.

They continue their journey as dangerous things will come and their journey is not over yet...

Thank you for reading it and also felt this chapter is too long but I hope you like it!

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