Chapter 4

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9 years ago...
( Tom's POV )

I'm at my room sleeping until I heard a knock from the door. I open the door and to see Star holding like a card on her hand. "Hey Star why are you here?", I ask her but she kept quite then her lips starts to open. "I'm engage to Marco last year and this card on my hand is the invitation of my wedding with Marco.", I widened my eyes but Star didn't look at me at the eyes, she's only facing the floor.

"I see...thank you for the invitation. I hope the two of you are happy about it.", I said to her and thank me what I said. "Thank you and I hope you will come.", then we felt awkward because we were a couple before. "I should go...", I look at her. "Alright and thank you for inviting me to your wedding.", I wave at her before I close the door.

"What is this feeling?", my head leaned on the door and drops of tears flow down to my chin. "I felt regret? Why I'm thinking like that?", but the tears still going. Why I'm like this, I should move on. I read the invatation...

From the family of Diaz's only son
Marco Diaz
The family of Butterfly's only daughter
Star Butterfly

Have held the wedding in The Cleaved World. The two will marry at the Butterfly's Castle.

Mr : Tom Lucitor___

The couple invited you to their wedding please go to their wedding if you have time to attend the wedding.

First time attend a wedding. I heard a knock from the door and see my Dad wants to talk to me. "Son, how do you feel about the wedding? The young princess is getting married with our new human ruler.", Dad said it make me felt sad a little but I put a smile on my face. "I'm happy that the couple are happy. And I'm happy that they will rule with us and the other royals.", I said to my father and he is  petting my head.

He's gone and I lay on my bed, think this through. I sigh and read a book, I pick a novel in my bookshelf. It's call "The Blindness Eyes", it's a love story about a man in love with a woman but she is in love with another. I read and I read until I finished it, I use three whole days to read it and it is always pulls me to the story. At the end the woman name Violet regret choosing the antagonist of the story Alex.

Then she think of the person that so love her, the protagonist of the story William. This story is interesting because if you choose the wrong one you will regret. This story make me felt I'm Violet, regretting what I choose…it also reminds me of Me and Star's relationship. After I read the epilogue, in the end is a sad story. I see the time and it's 10:30pm, indeed I need to sleep now and tomorrow is their wedding day.

I go to sleep before I won't wake up in the morning. In the morning, I woke up and brush my teeth wearing my tuxedo for the wedding and with my parents go to the castle. I sit between my parents and see Marco in front of me. I wave at him and he sees me waving at him so he gave a wink like good luck for him. The musicians starts to play their instruments and the door open where Star is out. I see her walking slowly with her father to the throne.

"Star look at the camera.", Pony Head said quietly to Star and she wink at Pony. Then her hand let go off her father's then she put them on Marco's hands. The priest starts to say, "Marco Diaz, would you take Star as your lovely wife?", suddenly my eyes became watery but tears didn't fall. " I do.", he said. "Star Butterfly, would you take Marco Diaz as your lovely husband?", my hands began to clench as I refuse to it. "I…", until someone reject their marriage.

"I reject this marriage!", a human said it then all the people in here also reject they don't go together.

"We should have war!"

"We aren't happy living here together with the mewmans and monsters!"

"You two are too young!", an old lady said.

"People why did you do this? What is the meaning of this? Aren't we agreed we will live in harmony?", Star ask all the people who are attending the wedding. "We should have a war right now!", all the villagers shouted at us. We quickly go to the meeting room in the castle for safety. What are we going to do?", I ask the both of them. "We should split up, Marco you will be here with my parents to calm the villagers. I'll go to the mountain.", Start said.

"Why you go there?", I ask her. "Tom there is a place that I can change the contract of me and Marco's world, even it can separate us, our world.", she answer my question but Marco spoke up. "You can't go there alone, we can handle this Star. We can handle it no-", but she cut off his sentence. "I'm the queen now and I need to end this war!", she look at Marco with furious eyes.

"Then at least take someone with you Star…", Marco begging her. "Don't worry I'll be fine.", then I refuse this. "No you will get cold outside, right now outside is cold that you won't survive…", I warned her. "No need Tom, I'll be fine.", Star insisted but for me no. "Me and Star will go to the mountain, Marco take care of the villagers.", he nodded and go to the throne room where they were.

We head outside to find the mountain that the legend said. Star is nagging about why I'm with her but I ignored her. She began frustrated, quickly chase after me, stopping me from continuing walking. She is in front of me demanding answers for her, "I'm the Queen of Mewni demanding why are you with me?!", then we have a argument. "Aren't you afraid of death?! Aren't you afraid after you died you will never see your parents again?!", I mad at her, felt anger is controlled me.

"What I do is for my parents, what I do is for the villagers, what I do is for Mewni and Earth's sake! After we do this wish at the mountain, I will never see my friends, my parents-in-law, and even my husband…", I still kept quiet. "How about you!? My life is difficult, you just…you just can't understand don't you…", I still look at her but her face make me concern. "Why I feel so cold? My heart is full of fear? I feel…", she fell on the ground.

"Star!!!", I ran to her, wrap her in my arms for warm. I use my fire to warm her, and why you ask I have magic because demon was born to have this kind of magic even their is no magic anymore. "Tom…", I felt her hands holding my hands. I cannot do this but I have no choice, if Star want to live then…I kissed her lips. "Tom…what happened?", she ask but I didn't say anything. "You will be fine…we should head back to the castle.", I said holding her in bridal style.

I ran as fast as I can, letting Star not dying here then I got to the Moon's office room by a secret passage to it. I found something that I didn't really predicted. "Marco…", in the office Marco died. Does the villagers really take that seriously? I look outside and see if the villagers are near but I can see the others at our side got killed. "Marco…!", Star holding him in her arms. "We should just go to the mountain sooner then right now…", Star starts to depressed. Only me and Star are at the room, no good at all.

I heard the villagers are coming, I grab Star's hand and hide before they got in the room. We didn't say a word, until a villager spot us. "There you are!", it was hopeless. "Star!", it all fall in this very beginning. "Tom!", Star slowly dying from the injury she just had. "No…", a person hit me then I black out.

Thank you for reading the flashback chapter. Hope you like it and I hope I can make more chapters.

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