"It is." Thomas responds.

"No! Thomas, I will not let you think that! It's MY fault. I was the one who answered the phone. I shouldve been paying more attention. You are not allowed to think that. I FORBID it. I do not want to hear you say it EVER again. Okay?"

Thomas smiles, "Okay."

Iris spreads her arms out, "Come on, we'd better hug this one out."

Thomas chuckles and wraps his arms around her. She burys her face in his shoulder.

"I really missed you." Thomas says his voice cracking as he trys not to cry.

Wow. Great time to act like a bloody wimp there, Thomas.

"Hey....shhhh....no crying. If I had been conscious, I would've missed you too."

Thomas chuckles, "Thanks."

"Mm-hmm." She mumbles as she pulls away, "Are we good?"

"Yeah." Thomas nods.

"Good. So, what happened? I want your version of the story."

"My version sucks. Seriously, my point of view of it sucked."

"That doesn't mean I don't want to hear it." Iris says with a smile.

Thomas raises his eyebrows and his mouth twitches up wards, "Okay then. So I woke up and called you. You answered and said you were on your way to go hiking-"

Thomas talked to Iris for a long time. They layed down on the uncomfortable hospital bed together in the cold room. Thomas talked to Iris until she fell asleep. He felt happy and secure for what felt like the first time in a long time. Finally when he felt himself fall asleep he whispered, "Goodnight flower."

And then he closed his eyes.

- - - -

The next morning Thomas was awakened to a male voice, "Rise and shine sleeping beauties!"

"Dylan! Shut up! Iris is sleeping!" Will's voice.

"I swear I will kill you both." Thomas whispers as his eyes crack open.

Ki, Will and Dylan all stand at the foot of the bed all wearing similar expressions. Smug, amused, surprised, and just plain scary.

Thomas looks over to a stirring Iris.

"You all bloody suck." He whispers and he gets up carefully.

It's too late. They've already woken up Iris.

She peers over at them and a grin spreads across her face, "Guys! Dylan! Will! Ki! When did you get here?"

Will smiles, "Just a minute ago."

"Well, come here! I need hugs from all of you!"

Dylan goes first, then Will, and lastly Ki. They all give natural greetings and smiles. And of course they hear a sexual joke from Dylan, but that's expected.

"So, how are you feeling?" Ki asks raising his eyebrows.

Iris chuckles darkly, "Like crap."

"Wonder why that is...." Dylan says with sarcasm.

"Yeah. Not liked I was hit by a truck or anything." Iris says with a shrug.

"Oh, by the way, Shea and Sarah are making you a buttload of food for whenever you get out of the hospital and we're going to come over and help you eat it and also, Sarah and Shea are stopping here to visit you before going to work." Dylan says quickly, with out taking a breath.

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