3 seconds later I was slamming the steering wheel and dashboard. I was about to punch the window but I stopped in my actions as Jace's face polluted my vision. He held up an eyebrow before rolling his eyes and laughing.

Jackie's POV

Later the day.

I was walking to my locker praying that the smell was gone.

Right now all i could smell was berries. The jacket is definitely a new jacket but it smelt like him. I wondered if he put perfume on it.

I got nervous thinking about the idea.

When I got to my locker Grace was standing by it with a four other people. I panicked.

What if she done something to my locker?

"Hey Jax. I've been waiting for you. Would you like to sit with us for break? You don't have to, we'd just like to get to know you more." She smiled tucking red lock behind her ear.

I gulped. My heart rate was sky high these people were all looking at me in anticipation and I felt sufforcated. Until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I jumped away at first before I realised it was Grace's hand.

"Hey, calm down. We won't bite you or anything.  You don't have to if you don't want to." She comforted me.

"No. I'm.. it's.." I tried to get the words out but I got cut off.

"Great!" Grace smiled.

It's amazing how she always knows what I want to say. It made me smile that she knew.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go chill somewhere." She hooked her arm in mine.

"you smell good. It's more of a musculine smell but I like it. Where did you get this new jacket? It's great. And mint! I love the color." She started talking.

There was one thing about her that I wasn't sure I'd like or not. It was the fact that she always talk. I wished I was more like her. Smart, beautiful, charismatic and witty. A jack of all trades. Kind and generous and not to mention graceful. It seemed like her life was perfect.. but it was difficult to be sure about her because it always looks as if she's hiding something away.

She talked a lot, but it made me feel comfortable. Plus I didn't have to talk much, I just had to listen to all her theories on genetic modification and ideas on clothing that would suit me more and not to mention, solutions to the countries foundational but small issues. Until...

"So Jax, tell us about yourself." I got pulled from space.

"Uhm... I don't know what to say." I hid my sheepish awkward face.

"How about, your favourite colour?" Alicia watched me carefully.

She was really beautiful, except everything she owned, wore or applied was black. The only thing that wasn't black was the purple streak in her hair, her bown eyes and the purple gum in her mouth that was probably tasteless by now.

"It changes everyday." I watched my fingers.

"So, what's today's colour?" Grace watched me.

"Mint." I said.

"Oh I have a question." Daphne jumped in her seat.

Daphne had brown hair and wore glasses. She always chewed on her fingernails and she was thicker than everyone else, and her breasts looked as though they would fall from her green vest. She had on millions of bracelets that made a irritating noise after a long time.

"What's up with the hottie Aaron hm? Is that his hoodie? He's been dropping you off for a couple of days now." She smirked.

"Are you two together?" She lifted her brow.

My stomach churned at the question. And then I thought about it for a second it made me nervous and embarrassed.

"What? No. No no. He's.. he's my neighbor so, he thought it would be easier if we traveled together. His dad probably told him to do it, it's nothing major." I chewed on an apple.

"That's so sweet!" Grace enthusiastically squeezed my bicep.

"Oh my gosh you have to get with him." Daphne patted the table.

"If it's nothing why are you wearing the hoodie?" Alicia blew a bubble.

"It's.. I just Uhm.. I don't know." I started to panic.

"Hey, it's chilled we get it. It's winter and it's cold. It was just a nice gesture." Grace smiled.

"So what're you doing later today?" Tyrese sucked his juice box.

Tyrese had low eyelids so he looked as if he was high all the time. But he's a very polite person when a feels like speaking. He was very muscular and he wore a white polar shirt. His blonde hair was tied back into a messy bun and he has the fingers of a guitarist.

I was thinking about the question. I couldn't possibly tell him I'm going to be a housekeeper for my neighbor, who not to mention, drives me to and from school everyday and gives me his clothing as nice gestures.

"I have something to study for." I replied.

"We have no tests coming up for the next 2 weeks." Alicia looked at her black painted fingernails.

"I like to be prepared." I looked at the tuna sandwich in front of me.

I haven't even touched my lunch.

"That's relatable." Grace started packing.

"And also a lie. She has something secret she's doing and doesn't want us to know about it." Alicia got up and slung her backpack over her shoulder.

"You can say that again." Daphne followed her lead. "But soon she will come out of her shell." They smiled at me.

"They always do." Daphne spoke before walking off with Tyrese and Ian.

"We should talk more often. We're going to the movies in two days time. You should join us." Grace walked with me.

"I'm not good around people. I'm probably going to be busy." I looked down.

"Well, if you change your mind we'll still be available. Plus, we're not just any people... We may be overwhelming at first but I promise you, we're just normal teens like you. Plus, you're a wallflower, like us. You'll fit in perfectly." She nudged me before disappearing into a class.

Plus, you're a wallflower, like us. You'll fit in perfectly.

I smiled. If only they knew.

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