Chapter 8

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Aaron's POV.

As soon as I opened the door she went from admiring the porch to quickly turning to me and holding out a plastic bag to me. She looked down saying nothing.

She was trying to hide away her swollen face and she wore a long blue dress with her yellow scarf. It's way too cold to be wearing a dress but her legs and hand was shaking.

"Thank you." I spoke but she put the bag on the floor and started her way off the porch. I grabbed her wrist.

"Wait." But she yelped in pain so I let her go. My hand left a blue stain on her warm but pale skin. She limped to the gate and tried to open it but it was shut. I was standing a close distance from her.

"I'm truly sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Are.. are you ok? You're limping." I waited for her to answer.

"Can I please go home?" She asked. She didn't look my way.

"Sure. Again I'm sorry. You should come over sometime and let me make it up to you."

"I don't want anything from you but for you and your.. friends to stay away from me. Ok?" She still didn't look at me.

"I will make sure they never bother you again. I promise." I looked down.

There was silence.

"Is that why you didn't want to take the ride with me?" I thought out loud.

She didn't answer so I took that as my chorus to leave. I slowly turned away and walked inside. I picked the packet up and turned to look at her. For some reason she was holding her entering and repeating something under her breath with closed eyes. I nodded to my brother and he buzzed the gate.

She limped away quickly as if she was escaping something.

I closed the door and opened the bag. She returned my school bag. It smelt good. She probably washed it.

I placed it on the counter and picked up the controller again, sitting down beside  Zachariah. My little brother.

"Who was that?" He asked. We were playing NFS.

"A friend."

"Why does she hate you if she's your friend?"

"How do you know she hates me?"

"She did say all she wants is for you to leave her alone you know."

"How did you even hear our conversation?"

"Microphone. I think you should leave her be."

"I think you should speed up because I'm beating you for the 4th time in a row."

He rolled his eyes. I can't just leave her alone.

You can.

My subconscious replied. And that's when I made the decision to do as he said.

"I ordered dinner from Simply Asia. They will arrive soon" My dad said closing his phone.

"How was your day?" He asked us, but before we could reply his phone rang and he held up his finger.

"I'm sorry i need to take this call." He left. We continued to play.

The Oak Tree And The Shotgun.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin