Chapter 1: Separation Anxiety

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2 years later

"How are you today, Destiny?" MiraBelle, the school's guidance counsellor asked. Therapy was necessary for all vampires, and those with the werewolf gene. Destiny however, was one of three people in the school who had been assigned her own personal therapist, due to her aunt's absence over the last two or so years.

"Eh, been better. Ziva got bored of her last guy, so now she's on Brexton, although I'm still convinced, she's just a closeted lesbian."

"It's not right to just assume someone's sexuality."

"It's not assuming when you're practically a thousand percent sure."

MiraBelle sighed, "Alright. Let's talk about your aunt."

Destiny slouched down, grabbing a handful of sweets from MiraBelle's candy jar. "Ah yes. Andrea. Well she's gone, I was sad, blah, blah, blah. Now I'm over it," she stated matter of factly, allowing her eyes to roam the walls freely, "You know Mira, you should probably consider repainting your walls pink. The blue is a little anti-feminist."

MiraBelle fought the urge to roll her eyes. She had been having daily sessions with Destiny for nearly seven months now, after her last therapist had resigned. She was her third, and final chance. If, or rather when MiraBelle would resign, Destiny would be expelled from the school due to her impeccable suspension records. (Suspension in the boarding school meant they were kept from classes and under observation for a day or two.)

"Well since we've made no progress for the last fifty something sessions that we've had, I've no choice but to transfer you."

This caught Destiny's attention, "Transfer?" she asked angrily.

"Your behavioural record has had no improvements, although your grades aren't as bad as before it's still not good enough for us to keep you. And now with your aunt gone, and Malachai still struggling to gain legal guardianship-"

"No. No way. I'm not going!"


"You legally can't even transfer me without parental permission," she fought back. Transferring meant going to a whole new school, with a whole new environment and although she was fine with being the new kid, being the new kid without her friends was a whole other level of mad.

"-Which Mrs Bentley has temporary ownership of."

"I'm not gonna go there."

* * *

"What!" Grace exclaimed in the middle of English, "You're not going to make it in Mystic Falls."

Ziva sat back on her chair, her feet on her desk, reflecting an amused smirk. "I'm glad you think this is funny," Destiny bit back hastily.

"Oh c'mon, it's a little funny. You in a supernatural boarding school, attending with rich snobs in a town that's in the middle of nowhere."

Destiny hit the back of her head, "Grace I need you to talk some sense into your very confused sister."

"Destiny!" the three of them snapped their heads to the front.

"I have called your name three times now, go to the office. Now."

She shot a look towards Ziva and Grace before making her way to the reception. Mrs Bentley's office hardly ever changed. The walls were still the painfully dull cream that they had always been, the lights above shining brightly like they always did.

Sitting on the chair across from Mrs Bentley's oak desk was Destiny's last living distant relative, and coven partner – Kai Parker. Who had been freed from the prison world at the mercy of Andrea, a few years before she disappeared.

"Hi," She jumped at the voice. Kai Parker sat in front of her, eating jam and crackers, turning on his chair like a sadistic killer. Mrs Bentley had never been fond of Kai, despite her participation in busting him out of the Prison World.

"Can you be any more disgusting?" He shrugged his shoulders.


Destiny rolled her eyes, "What're you doing here."

"Ms Marshall, it's a pleasure to see you too."

"Cut the crap Aurelia. What's happening?"

Mrs Bentley sighed, "MiraBelle told me about how unsuccessful your sessions have been. I've contacted Caroline Forbes and Alaric Saltzman, they're willing to take you in."

Destiny's eyes flickered with anger. Kai stopped dead in his tracks, "What? No, you said you were going to send her to the Asia branch. You know I can't go back to Mystic Falls."

Mrs Bentley avoided their gazes, knowing that the second she saw the betrayal she would instantly undo her decision, "I have no choice. We have no idea where Andrea is, she's got no other legal family," she trailed off, pouring herself a glass of alcohol.

"Really? Is that why you want to send me to Mystic Falls? Is that the only reason," she was able to mask her hurt, her soul aching to inflict the same pain on the women before her. It took every muscle in her body to stop her from ripping the women's heart out from her chest.

"Yes," Mrs Bentley answered plainly, brushing back her hair.

Destiny's eye twitched like it always did when she was pissed, her blue eyes dark with rage. A fire had been set off inside her, and the the whole school would burn if she didn't get what she want.

"LOOK AT ME WHEN YOU SPEAK!" Kai backed away from the table standing between Mrs Bentley and Destiny. It was strange to see him so wary of her, thought Mrs Bentley. She was too aware of his ways prior to Destiny, it made her wonder if her decision was worth it. If only for a second, she doubted herself, before pushing the thought to the back of her mind.

Aurelia Bentley allowed her eyes to flicker up to Destiny's, the small child she had once known, the baby she had once loved. Destiny Marshall hadn't been the same since Andrea had left. She was the only one who could ground her, who could look her in the eyes and tell her she was wrong. Andrea was the only one who wasn't afraid of her – afraid of what she could become. Rather she embraced it, and loved every part of her.

It was impossible to embrace a wolf-blood siphon. An abomination of nature herself.

"Answer me," she whispered menacingly, her hands glowing red. And for a second, the eyes glaring back at Aurelia Bentley belonged to Destiny's father.

She bent forward and let her gaze pour into Destiny's, "I have to send you away because you are a danger to me and my sister and my school. We are afraid of you, and I won't let you be my burden any longer."

A burning coal settled at the pit of Destiny's stomach. A guilt that was buried so far down was just waiting to erupt in waves of anger.

"I'm not gonna let you keep us apart. Do you really think you can beat me? I murdered my family with my own two hands, what makes you think I won't do the same to you?" Kai stalked forward, smirking menacingly, the same way he did when he murdered Josette at her wedding. He hadn't been the same since Destiny. It was like after years of hunting his coven, there was a hope at the end of a winding tunnel where all his regrets could be forgiven. All in the shape of Destiny Henria Mercy Marshall. And despite his ways, the loneliness was gone and over time he learnt to love her the way he should've loved his siblings. For once in his life, the sociopath would have purpose.

Aurelia Bentley glanced towards the door. The flickering rage in her eyes, the betrayal in her tone. The witches were right. She knew this would be the last time she ever saw Destiny and so she took a second to see if the child she once knew was still there.

She wasn't.

"Freya, now."

And despite her pleas, and her screams, Aurelia allowed it to happen, until Destiny Marshall became all that which Mrs Bentley feared, her parents.

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