Chapter 2: Double Mirrored

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"Get her out of here."                                                                                            

Freya quirked her eyebrows, "Is this really necessary. She's just a kid."

Aurelia Bentley stood outside the back gates of her school, helping an Original Witch load one of her students into the back trunk of her car. Kai Parker had been sedated with vervain and would either be staked or sent back to the prison world once she had gotten information out of him.

"If she truly is the one that the New Orleans witches are talking about then I think it'll take a lot more than a trunk to hold her."

Freya tightened the ropes around her wrists. "You sure these won't hurt her?" She wiped away a nosebleed, a few specks falling onto the trunk.

"Destiny has supernatural healing, something to do with her siphoning the werewolf gene in her DNA," Mrs Bentley opened the backseat of her car and threw in Destiny's backpack. She turned to face Freya, a deadly serious look on her face, "No one can know. I swore to protect her, this is me doing it."

Freya sighed, glancing towards the school and then at Destiny. Something about her seemed...Familiar. "No one will know, I promise."

And with that the Mikaelson witch sped off into the distance, fulfilling a promise she had made to Hayley Marshall before she died. 

* * *

Destiny awoke in the most confused condition. It was like waking up in a place similar to what she had known, but different enough that it was unknown. It was a plane similar to hers, the trees shifted comfortably in the wind, the light breeze carrying the sound of distant laughter. The moon was full, the stars brighter than ever. A sudden warmth caressed her shoulder, a spark of orange visible in the distance. There was a fire nearby.

Cautiously, Destiny urged her feet forward. Werewolves, vampires even witches seemed to have gathered around the bonfire all of them indulging in the night's entertainment. A curious eye fell on her. He had dark hair and dark eyes and was dressed in a suit. Slowly, the man excused himself from the gathering and walked up to her.

He smiled warmly, "Hello. What's your name?" his tone was posh like he had been around for a long time. "Mercy," she replied, wary of how sickeningly sweet the place was.

The man, who she learnt was named Elijah took her towards the bonfire, sitting next to her and offering her a drink. Something was off.

"Where am I?" she continued asking. A whole family had gathered around her, each with the same solemn expression. Elijah looked wilfully at who she assumed to be his brother. "Tell me Mercy, what do you remember exactly?" she paused, her eyes settled on the man next to Elijah. He was about the same height, curly hair with deep dimples. "A witch, some girl named Freya-"

"What?" another brother asked, not threateningly but rather curiously.

"Mercy?" Destiny's head snapped back. Her gaze poured into hers, the scent of forest wood and wet oak radiating off of her like it always did. Andrea raced towards her, dropping the firewood that was in her hands. She wrapped her arms around Destiny's small figure, letting out a breath she didn't know she was keeping in. Her palm rested at the back of her neck as she held Destiny delicately.

And when she finally pulled away she allowed her eyes to rest on Destiny's. "I don't know what happened. There was a witch and then Bentley took Kai and I woke-"

Andrea shushed her, holding her hands as she rested her forehead on Destiny's. The family looked back and forth between the two. "Oh sweetheart," she paused, "I'm so sorry. I am so sorry for leaving you like that, you deserve ten times better than what I gave you," she paused again, watching as Destiny tried her best to hold back her tears.

Her worst fear had come true. Andrea hadn't abandoned her, she had died on her.

"You need to go back, baby. As much as I want you here, as much as I need you here, you aren't meant to be with us yet," her voice cracked, her tone a low whisper.

In more ways than one, Destiny understood what she was saying, "Will I ever see you again?"

Andrea sighed, "Not for a very long time."

And slowly Destiny could feel the warmth dying down, Andrea's forehead still pressed gently against hers, both of their eyes closed, concealed by the shadows of the woods. The family watched curiously, silently questioning who the mystery girl was, some more than others.

"Just a few more minutes."

* * *

Freya Mikaelson was thrashing around, performing CPR on Destiny, chanting spells, repeating her name over and over again. She was now in the outskirts of New Orleans and was just about to stop for the night when Destiny had begun seizing in the trunk.

Now Freya Mikaelson was doing everything she could to save the poor girl's life and keep her promise to Hayley.

"Destiny! Destiny!" nothing was working, and all Freya could do was frantically beat her chest and pray that she would eventually awake.

That's when she saw it, or rather them. Her focus zoomed between Destiny and the far distance of the woods. Confused, familiar eyes stared back at her, and she pinched herself to ensure she wasn't dreaming.


* * *

Destiny awoke not too long later, with a faint memory of what had happened. She remembered seeing Andrea along with a few other men whose faces were a blur to her. She remembered her words, the way Andrea's forehead pressed against hers. Even now she could feel the heat rising and engulfing her essence.

She stood slowly, the memories rushing back. The way Mrs Bentley pulled her and Kai apart. Kai struggled a lot, yelling threats and drawing blood, it took a lot before Mrs Bentley was finally able to cast a spell that put him down. Destiny fought no less, she threw things across the room, siphoning from everything and anything. At one point she even had Mrs Bentley in a magical chokehold against the wall, but that didn't last too long.

Mrs Bentley had another witch on her side, a powerful one, undoubtedly the one who brought her where she was now.

Speaking of, where the hell was, she?

"Good, you're awake. I'm Alaric Saltzman, your new headmaster."

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