Chapter 3: White Wolf

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An array of dark eyes stared back at her, a shred of similarity laced within each stern face. They were welcoming in the most unwelcoming way possible, their faces a blur, except for one. A dark-haired man, with a solemn expression and a dark grey suit.

Destiny's eyes fluttered open to the sound of shutters opening. A young girl, a few years younger than herself stared ferociously back at her. Her breath fanned Destiny's face and she flinched before moving back.

"Lizzie, give her some space," the second voice pulled Lizzie aside, "I'm Josie, and this is my sister Lizzie," Josie passed Destiny a mug filled with some sort of gruesome smelling tea.

"I'm Destiny," she responded, graciously taking the mug and forcing some of its content down her throat. "Yeah, we know. Our dad wouldn't stop talking about how fragile you are and how we needed to be extra nice."

Josie sent her sister a serious glare before turning back to Destiny, who was wearing an amused smirk. "Please ignore her, she hasn't had breakfast yet."

"Because someone decided that hospitality was more important than my physical wellbeing," the blonde sighed sarcastically falling back onto the bed, which Destiny was currently in.

Josie rolled her eyes, "Liz, can we please not-"

Lizzie turned on her stomach, laying down with her feet in the air, "Tell me, Destiny what is it that's so fragile about you, exactly? Because sitting here you just look normal fragile to me," Josie sent her a death glare that was somehow silenced by Lizzie's annoyed expression.

"I don't know you tell me, your father dragged me here not the other way 'round."

"You're British?" Josie commented.

"Of course!" Lizzie jumped up in realisation, "You're on exchange. That's right, I completely forgot. You're the ballistic one up in London my dad keeps having to write reports on," Lizzie nodded her head as if agreeing with herself.

Josie on the other hand, held another calculative look.

Destiny chuckled to herself, "Don't look at me like that, if you have something to say go ahead."

Josie shook her head, the brown curls swaying side to side. Something about the two was sincere, it almost reminded Destiny of Ziva and Grace, except the feeling was more intense. And subconsciously, she decided that they were worthy of her trust, despite only knowing them for a few minutes.

"It's alright, I don't bite," she put the tea down on the bedside table, if she was going to get out of here in one piece getting close to the Saltzman girls didn't seem like a bad idea.

"What my twin sister would like to ask is what are you?" Lizzie answered, opening a closet in the room and shifting through the clothes.

Destiny froze for a second, before masking it, "I'm a witch."

Josie shook her head again, "No you're not, if you were, I'd be able to feel it."

She sighed and took a second to decided whether she should lie or not. She decided against it, "I'm a siphon witch," it didn't take long for her to connect the dots, especially as Lizzie's gaze landed on her, "And you two happen to be Siphons too."

"We've never met another siphon before. They all died when the coven leader died," Josie added.

Destiny shrugged her shoulders, "Yet here we are."

"Alright, enough chit chat, my stomach is killing me," Lizzie dragged Destiny out of bed, "Get dressed, and then meet us where all the food is." They made towards the door, and as they were about to exit Lizzie turned and gave one last smile, "You have good style."

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