tapping on the notification, her phone unlocked and was automatically on the messages app.

🤧hakuna yutata🤧:
hey kiki, i'll be out at company today,
don't wait for me to come home alright.

🤧hakuna yutata🤧:
make sure you don't stay up too
late or else i won't be bringing home
teokbeokki anymore.

🤧hakuna yutatas🤧:
have fun at school bub
love you, loser <3

goodmorning to you too,
yuyu <3

she quickly replied as she neared the school. that morning, she made sure to set her alarm earlier than when she usually woke up - the night before. she completely wanted to avoid her friends that whole day, thinking that she would accidentally slip out her secret. she hoped that her friends didn't catch her sneaky behaviour.

she walked into her homeroom, walking up to a random desk - so she wouldn't be sitting with haechan - setting down her stuff as she took out her airpods (cos she a rich bitch) and connected it with her phone. she tapped onto her music app and went through it, trying to find her study playlist.

she clicked a random song and turned off her phone. she then proceeded to take out her textbooks, notebooks and pens, ready to take notes.

it was 8:10 and classes were starting soon. the students slowly started entering the classroom. the owner of the desk beside where zuki was sitting at walked up to her, a confused expression plastered on his innocent face, wondering why the always empty seat beside him was now taken.

"hey, sanha," she smiled at him, "i'm desperate on avoiding my friends today, i was wondering if you're okay with sitting with me today?" she asked him in a honey-sweet voice.

sanha smiled at the shorter girl and nodded, sitting down beside the girl. "here, the vending machine gave me an extra," sanha gave her a small carton of chocolate milk, her favourite.

"aye, thanks man," she shot finger hearts at the silver haired boy, grabbing it from his hand. "hey, do you remember that one time i got you chocolate milk and you laughed so hard it came out of your nose?" the boy asked the girl randomly.

"don't you ever bring that up," zuki deadpanned, a mustache of milk covering her top lip. "my bad," the older laughed.

the two then went back to doing what they were doing before. "hey zuki, look," sanha took a picture of the silly girl as she looked up from her notebook. sanha snorted as he looked at the picture he had taken. "yah, delete that!" zuki exclaimed as she looked over the boy's shoulder to see what he was laughing about.

"no thanks, i'll use it as blackmail." zuki pouted. she watched as sanha drew on the picture, making her look even more silly than what she did before.

"alright, game then," zuki mumbled, remembering a picture she had of sanha deep in her camera roll. "look at what i got here," zuki smirked as sanha turned towards her.

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
nct haechan - ❝𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘶𝘱❞ (discontinued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن