He opened his mouth as if to say something but closed it again.

"I'll pay whatever debt he has if we can leave him be or we will both be paying with our lives." She explained, calming up a bit.

Arthur nodded before trudging back to his horse to get the book of debts Strauss gave him. "Thank you, Mister Downes." Adeline said with a soft smile. She met Arthur at the horse and gave him the money for Mister Downes.

Adeline handed him the money from her coin purse. "You didn't have to do that," Arthur said.

"Well you took the money, didn't you?" She scoffed, not expecting and answer. "And besides. As annoying as you are, I don't really want you dying on me." She was still angry with him for being so violent and hasty, despite the compliment.

"Thanks, I guess." Arthur said, mounting his horse just as Adeline had done.

"Let just go. I'd like to get home before dark." She said, plainly. The two set off towards Valentine without another word.

The majority of the ride home passed in silence with occasional chatter from Arthur. Adeline didn't really feel like having a conversation with him at the moment.

"Awfully stupid of Strauss to led money to a dying man," Arthur said.

Adeline just nodded and mumbled a quiet 'yes.'

The sun was beginning to set and there were still miles to go until the two reached Valentine. Adeline knew they wouldn't make it back tonight and they couldn't ride the rest of the night. It was too dark and the horses needed rest.

"We're gonna need to set up camp." Arthur said, probably thinking the same thing as her.

"I figured," Adeline said curtly.

They rode for a little bit longer and found a nice place to set up camp at. The two worked on setting up their own blankets and building a fire in quiet. Arthur was fed up now with how Adeline was acting.

"Dammit, woman. What's gotten into you? I've never seen you so quiet." He finally burst.

She turned to him and looked at him with a cold stare for a few moments. "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?" She snapped back. "You don't value your life or the life of others. You could have killed Mister Downes and yourself. Have you no mercy for a sick man? He's dying and you could have killed him." She sighed and paused. "And what would you have done if he coughed on you? You might as well have dug your grave right there wi-"

"Shhh," Arthur interrupted her. She seemed taken aback.

"Don't you 'shhhh' me," She retorted.

"No! Do you not hear that? Hoof beats." Arthur stated. Adeline was quiet as she listened.

"Could just be people passing by." She whispered.

"Not this late at night," Arthur responded. "Hide. I've got a feeling I know who these riders are." He commanded.

"No, I-"

"Just go hide. Over there, behind those boulders." He commanded again. Adeline knew there was no way to fight this. She walked over to the boulders but not before grabbing a pistol that was hanging out of Arthur's saddle bag. She knew he had one on him so she had no reason to fear.

She hid behind the rocks just as the riders came into view. She could barely make one out to be the man she saw watching her, Arthur, and Lenny in Valentine the one day. The other three, she had no idea who they were but she knew they meant trouble.

"Howdy, friend." Arthur said, standing up from his spot by the fire, trying to act innocent.

"Cut the shit, Van der Linde scum. You invaded our camp and killed our men and now we're here to pay you back." The lead rider spat.

Arthur, seeing as there was no way out of this confrontation, prepared to grab his pistol. "How's Colm," Arthur asked. "Still as slimy as ever?"

The men all drew their pistols and aimed at Arthur. His odds were one on four and Adeline knew that at such a close range, he would be toast. The riders seemed to look around at the camp. Everything was set for two. There were two blankets laid out, two sets of dishes for dinner, and two horses. Adeline wished so badly that she wasn't stuck behind this boulder with a gun she didn't know how to use and instead was able to help Arthur in some way.

The boulder. 'That's it!' She mentally exclaimed. She was wedged between a pile of boulders and the crest a small hill. She put her back on the hill and her legs on the boulder that looked like it was loosest. She used all the strength she could muster and pushed the boulder off the pile. It quickly rolled down towards the riders. It was a nice distraction and it spooked their horses. Adeline heard gunshots and in an effort to help, she aimed her gun at the nearest rider and fired. Her aim was horrible and she had no idea if it actually hit but she did know that they were riding off.

Arthur looked from her to the boulder and back a few times. "Was that you?"

She smiled, proud of herself for helping. "Sure was."


"It was balanced on the edge, it would have fallen soon anyways." She explained, trying to stay humble even though she knew it wasn't entirely true. Some of it was from her own strength. She changed the subject, "Who were they?"

"Other gang of outlaws. They hate us. Me and my gang, I mean. Call themselves O'Driscolls." He explained.

"You mean to tell me that you outlaws aren't all best friends?" She teased.

"Far from it, actually," Arthur said, finally noticing the gun in her hand.

"Oh, sorry," She handed it back to him, Arthur still looking confused. He decided to ignore how she got his gun and put it back in his saddle bag.

"We shouldn't stay here," He spoke up. "I'm sure they'll be back soon. Might as well just ride through the night back to Valentine."

"I supposed you're right." She was quiet for a moment. Their near death experience made Adeline feel bad for giving Arthur the silent treatment. "I'm sorry for being cold to you today. I just don't want you to die. You're my only friend out here." She confessed.

Arthur smiled softly at her. "Well how could I possibly die with you here to save my life? I mean you did it twice today." Arthur said with a laugh. He was touched at how much she cared. It was nice to feel that feeling. "C'mon, let's get you back home."

And the two packed up camp and rode for Valentine under the moon and stars.

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