Your Get There

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Author's Note: Sadly it has come that time for this story to come to an end. After this there will only be three chapters and maybe an epilogue. I know go ahead and throw virtual tomatos at me. But good thing must come to an end.

Two Weeks Later
The last two weeks have well been interesting. Jimmie and I are only on speaking terms when it comes to work. The last two races I have went to, I have went back to the hauler to watch the race. I can't sit on the pit box. I can't go back to the motor home. My mood hasn't really improved either. You ask anyone around me. I have become quiet, distant, guarded and sad. No one still doesn't know about Maria's pregnancy and it makes me wonder what they are waiting on? To me she looked at least five maybe six months. Also I am very puzzled at how no one saw anything after the Charlotte race. Maria's little public reveal has seemed to have went unnoticed by the people that were around. Either they didn't notice or decided to respect Jimmie's privacy. I don't think its the later, people are too nosey and mean to keep something like that to themselves. Jimmie hasn't been running well either. Outside the top fifteen since Charlotte. It's like his mind is else where. Not on the track where it should be. Part of me thinks it's my fault but Jimmie is own man. If his mind isn't on racing then that's on him. But what if it is because of me? If I am the reason how can I continue to be working with him? If reminding him every day of what he could have had is distracting him from driving like I know he can, I have to leave. I would hate to quit I love working in this industry. Stacy always said that I be would be a great racer or apart of the team. Anyway I sigh as I see there is five laps to go and Jimmie is in position to finish fourteenth. He would have had a top five finish but he got spun out causing minor demange back at lap ninety. He just wasn't able to come back from that. I grab my stuff and head to pit lane. The only time I can mange to be on pit lane is during practice, qualifying or pre or post race. When he would need his PR rep. I take my usual spot next to the box, watching. It was a hell of a finish between Harvick and Bowyer with Harvick coming out on top. Jimmie fourteenth. Cliff Daniels climbs down from the pit box. Yeah last week Cliff took over as crew chief. Cliff spots me and takes him head set off.

"Maybe you can calm him down." Cliff says walking over to me. I want to say yeah right. Three weeks ago maybe but not now.

"How pissed is he?" I ask.

"Pissed. We need to watch him when he gets out if the car. I fear he might do something stupid. He's been unstable lately and Kyle spinning him out today, might have sent him over the edge." I sigh. As his PR rep I can't let him do anything that would paint him negatively in the press. I nod and follow Cliff and some crew members down pit road. When Jimmie pulls the car to the stop I see him hit the steering wheel a few times. The window net is pulled down and he climbs out. He takes his helmet off and throws it down in anger. I jump back slightly, not used to Jimmie's outburst. Sure he has a temper everyone in the garage knows that but he's also known for his composer. He never lets his anger get the better of him.

"Where is he? I'm gonna beat his fucking ass." Jimmie starts looking frantically up and down pit road looking for Kyle.

"Jimmie calm down." Cliff says.

"Calm down. That ass hole as spun me twice in the last three races. I won't stand for it." I guess Jimmie spots Kyle cause anger flashes in his eyes and he starts walking away. Shit. I run to catch up, jumping in front of him.

"Jimmie don't. He will get what's coming to him. He's gonna spin out the wrong person and he'll pay for it."

"I just want to talk to him Paige, a friendly chat between two mature drivers. Oh wait he isn't mature, so maybe I shouldn't be either." He storms past me and before I can reach him he's walking over to Kyle. Shit, shit, shit. I run the rest of the way.

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