No Dreams With You

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"Do you Paige take this man to be your lawful wedded Husband?" The Pastor says to me. I am standing in front of a man. I can not see his face because my viel is too thick. The Pastor is before us and I can tell we are in a room of people.

"I do." I say.

"Do you take this women to be your lawful wedded wife?" The Pastor says but he does not say a name.

"I do." The moment the words reach my ears I recornize the voice. It's Jimmie's.

"Does anyone object to this marriage?" For some reason I hold my breath.

"I do." Josh's voice rings through the Abbey. My stomach drops and I pull back my viel. Jimmie is indeed standing before me in a tuex. Sitting before us is our friends and family. But standing in the isle is Josh.

"And why do you object?" The Pastor asks.

"Because she is happy. You see Paige isn't meant to be happy. Are you Paige?" I look at him dumbstruck.

"I mean how can you?" Josh says with a chuckle.

"Everyone deserves to be happy." I say. Josh shakes his head.

"Not you. Oh no, not you." He laughs.

"You think Jimmie loves you?"

"Yes." I reply. Josh laughs again.

"No one can ever love you." I turn to Jimmie.

"Jimmie say something." But he doesn't.

"See. Do you think you can hold a candle to Chandra?" Suddenly Jimmie's ex Chandra appears in front of us.

"Do you think Jimmie will ever love someone so ordinary as you? Someone so ugly." Jimmie steps forward and walks to Chandra. Tears begin to spill from my eyes as I watch Jimmie and Chandra embrass. Sharing a passionate kiss. Then they grip hands and leave the Abbey together.

"You are so many things Paige but loveable and wanted isn't one of them." Josh says and I shake my head.

"Stop it. Why are you doing this?"

"Cause like I said you will never be happy. You will forever be alone. No one could ever love you." I shake my head trying to make this all go away.

"You will become one of them spinsters out of them novels you love so much."

"Shut up." I yell.

"You will die alone. No one to say goodbye too. No one will care. That is your life Paige. Everyone around you knows it. They just feel sorry for you." Suddenly everyone in the abbey begins to laugh.

"Stop it." Josh still hurls insult after insult at me. Then I am surrounded by everyone and they are laughing at me.

"Stop it. Please just stop it." I beg, tears streaming down my face.

"Paige." Over all the laughing Jimmie's voice calling my name can be heard.

"Jimmie." I say spinning around searching for him.

"He will never love you. There isn't anything to love about you." Josh says.

"Your wrong." I yell back.

"Am I?" The laughter turns into chants. Chants of the words worthless and unloveable.

"Stop it." I scream crumbling to the floor, covering my ears. They are still chanting the words around me. They are getting louder now.

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