Even before I turned I knew it was Mike. His face was drawn in concern and he kept tossing distrustful glances towards Lana. Having him so close and me being his focus was enough to make me melt. His hands were on my shoulders, squeezing. "Are you sure about this?"

I shrugged away his touch, ignoring Mike's offended expression. "They wouldn't hurt me, Mike. It's alright. Sorry for all this mess. It was...it was nice seeing you, too."

Mike surprised me with a hug, it was tight and lasted barely any time at all. "Be safe."

"Yeah, sure." I mumbled, wishing the hug had been longer.

I slipped into the comfortable leather seating  and shut the door before putting my seatbelt on.

Lana sighed, taking off her sunglasses, and filing an agitated hand through her hair. "You make me work entirely too hard Derrick."


Dr. Ky Nguyen hadn't changed at all in the past few months. Maybe his beard was a little more scruffy and his hair was a little longer, but, nothing much had changed. The one thing was that Ky had become someone I knew I could trust. He knew mostly everything there was to know about me, the fact I was a foster kid, the abuse, my amnesia, Mike, and of course the heartache. I still had sessions with Ky once a week but they weren't as emotionally charged as they used to be. So it surprised me when we pulled up to the hospital that Lana had actually scheduled a meeting with him. Why hadn't he informed me earlier?

I lead the way through the research wing of the hospital with Lana walking confidently beside me. It was annoying the way her heels echoed every step and I was still angry with her for fucking with my life. By the time we reached Ky's office, my thoughts veered towards this meeting and if Ky would really be on my side. 

I walked into the room without knocking, shocked when I saw Ky and one of his partners, Dr. Eun-Jae Song, sitting beside each other on a couch. Ky had his arm across Dr. Song's shoulder and Dr. Song's hand was on Ky's thigh. Their faces were tilted towards one another and so close I thought they were about to kiss. But us walking in ruined the moment and Dr. Song scrambled away from Ky, clearly embarrassed.

Dr. Song's face was turning a brilliant red as he threaded his fingers in his hair and crossed one leg over the other.

Ky, on the other hand, only looked mildly annoyed. "Derrick. How many times have I reminded you to knock before you come barrelling into my office?"

"Can't you keep it in your pants for an hour Ky? I told you we'd be here by now." Lana said, fully walking into the room and closing the door. "I really am sorry to interrupt, Eun-Jae, but he knew I was coming."

Dr.Song sighed, covering his face briefly before standing. "Well, nice to see you, Derrick. Tell Sol I say 'hi.'"

I nodded, looking between the two men, wondering how they were so different. Maybe Ky was ruggedly handsome, with his scruffy beard and messy topknot. Whereas, Dr. Song was primped and professional with his slicked back hair and clean shaven face. Sometimes I wondered how their other partner, Maria, fit into things. I couldn't even get over Mike, I wasn't sure how people balanced polyam relationships.

Dr. Song nodded towards Lana before promptly leaving the room and I felt bad again for interrupting.

Ky stood up from his couch and went behind his desk, shuffling some papers to the side. He sat down and gestured for Lana and I to take the seats across from him.

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