Our Baacha - Friendship

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Whoever wants to know about the story the prologue of the story should make you understand and the story itself too.

For the reader of our Baacha it starts right from there, when Laksh is on his bed thinking of his future. I mentioned it in the story.

Laksh was sitting on the bed. Damn it I don't want to be an office worker I want to do something useful, I mean how can it be so good to be working in a company without any fun. Life is so boring, I don't want to check accounts and paper work... 😖 thinking of it gives me a cold shudder.

I will... hmm 🤔.

He sat on the bed and was thinking the pillow in his lap, then he hold the pillow tightly around his chest, tears were skipping down his eyes, there was something, an uneasy feeling. Laksh laid back on the bed, his eyes were staring the ceiling, he turns and tried to sleep, not to think about it again.

Laksh was holding the pillow tightly, he was hiding his face in it and cried silently till his mobile phone rings, he was confused, but there was only one person, who would call him at this time.

Laksh wipes his tears away, without even looking at the caller ID, he knew it would be her.

"Hi Ragini, why you called?" He tried not to show her his pain, but she could read him even miles away.

"Lucky I know you are hurt, I can feel it, tell me what happened?" Ragini said and Laksh shook his head, "no nothing happened." He lies to her and she didn't cared, she knows him better than anyone else.

"Laksh I'm coming!"

Laksh widen his eyes, he sat on the bed, "no Ragini, it's midnight. Uncle and aunty will go crazy if you will be missing in the morning."

She cut the call before he could finish his sentence, "mad girl." He said and laid back on the bed, he closed his eyes to sleep, but he knows she is on the way, nothing and no one could stop her as she is his best friend, the friend of his life.

Laksh went to the washroom, the window of his room was open as usually, Ragini entered the room by the window 😎 the ladder was ready.

"Laksh?" She calls him and he comes out of the washroom looking at her with red eyes and a smile.

"Hi!" He said with a fake smile, she fumes and stamps to him.

"What happened? Who has said something to you and why? Just let me know and I will make them pay for it."

Ragini made a fist, right one to punch anyone who has hurt him.

Laksh shook his head, "no Ragini, no one said anything to me." He went to his bed and sat on it, Ragini frowns at him, "Laksh!" She shouts and Laksh shushes at her, "be quiet, otherwise the others will wake up." He took the pillow and hold it tight.

Ragini took a deep breath, she sat next to him, "then Laksh tell me what had happened to you, why you were crying?" She placed her hand on his shoulder, he looked at her, the eyes again teary.

"I want a hug." He said and Ragini widen her arms for him, "Okay."

Laksh hugs her tightly, she caresses his head and made him lay on her lap, "Laksh shh..." she tries to calm him, but there was the thing disturbing him, he couldn't sleep and sniffs.

Ragini bend down with her head, she lays her head on his head, "Laksh please don't cry, tell me what is bothering you, maybe I can help you." She kisses his ear and he sniffs again, "Ragini why my parents throw me away?" He asked her, but she had no answer why, but she had something to say.

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