Chapter 4

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After my father died, it really took a toll on my mother and I. We both dealt with the pain is different ways; my mother didn't say much for nearly a year leaving me at a young age to deal with the adult

Stuff she should have been doing; handling the insurance policy, paying bills, taking care of the

Household it made me resent her for a while, although I understood her pain but I had to find my own way to escape from the overwhelming responsibility, doing what most young teens into day's day & age I turned to drinking. I love the escape it gave me from this new world I was trying to adjust to. I hung out with the wrong crowd, which attracted the wrong man...more like boy. Thomas Clare; he was just good to look at and I was just a thing to prove to his friends. 

He was a jack of all trades, captain of the basketball team, he placed first in long jump, hammer throw and sprints. He was the dude that looked good on paper and attracted all the girls but lacked the most important thing a brain. He was a jock at its finest and it took me a very big mistake to see that. On my first day of school looking for my homeroom class, Thomas was the first person I met.

"You lost?"

"I'm looking for room 215 Mrs. Samuels English class." I responded nervously crumbling the paper in my hand.

"I'll show you. Just follow me" Thomas said with a smile

"Oh, why thanks. That's very nice of you"

"Where are you from?" Thomas asked as he struck up conversation.

"Sidney, Australia"

"Wow! What made you move all the way here?"

"My mother and father always loved Toronto and wanted to start a Caribbean/ Asian cuisine restaurant.

"So, you're a chef?"

"No." I laughed

"I just help out with customer service and clean up. Nothing big"

"Well we're here" Thomas pointed to my home run door.

"Thanks again"

"I hope we can chop it up again sometime soon?" Thomas mentioned

"A...sure" I said sounding like a complete nerd. I was so shocked that a guy like this was remotely Interested in me.

"I wasn't like the rest of the girls, showing off my God given body as I was always thought to be classy. From a young age, my mother told me; "The way you dress will attract the man you think you want and not the man you deserve."

After moving to Canada only six months ago, Thomas was the first boy to show me any attention and I was intrigued by him. His good looks, pleasant ways and built body. I was young but he made me feel the wants of a grown woman. After class Thomas was at the front door waiting for me. I didn't expect it his soon would be that soon.

"Hey. I figured you'd need someone to show you around the school for your first day" Thomas offered. "That would be great" I said with I high pitched voice. Gosh I could be any more of a nerd.

I got through the first day at my new school. I missed my friends in Australia, we all grew up together and planned on graduating high school with each until my mother and father decided they needed a change of scenery. Thomas kind of help me transition into my new life here in Toronto; Introducing me to he's friends and their girlfriends. Made me think one day he would make me his.

Over the first three month of my first semester, Thomas and I hung around each other, I went to his games becoming his personal cheerleader, I chilled with his group of friends and their women as they made me feel a part of the clang.

"Hey Elle. Derek is having a party tonight you should come" Nina mentioned. She was one of Thomas's friends on and off again girlfriend.

"Sure, I'll have to check with my parents first"

"Come on Elle, just tell your parents you're sleeping at my house"

"But they don't even know you"

"I guess you're not really the lying type, huh?!"

"Not really" and I did not want to start now but I really wanted to have fun with my friends.

"I'll come with you and introduce myself." Nina posed waiting for me to answer

"Come on Elle."

"Ok. Ok I'll come" Nina had a big smile on her face as she placed her arm around me.

We smiled at each other.

After school Nina and I made up a believable story to my parents. We went upstairs to my room to pack my bags.

"Wow you have nothing cute" Nina said with no remorse

"Who does your shopping for you? Your mom?" I looked down as Nina spoke the truth without knowing.

"Just pack some clothes for the next day. I'll hook you up with a cute outfit."

I packed my bags and gave my mom Nina's home number and address and told them I'll be home sunday night.

We got to Nina's house and it was beautiful, well-manicured lawn, grand front door and two . Range Rovers in the driveway. As we entered into the home her mom came out the kitchen.

"Hi, I'm Sharon" Nina's mom introduced herself while reaching for my hand.

"Noelle. Nice to me."

"Mom Noelle and I are going out to a movie with Hailey and Tommy later." Nina

Advised her mom not telling her the whole truth.

"Ok. Just make sure you call Nina and please take that damn dog to take a shit. You asked for it

So, you need to take care of it." Sharon directed Nina. Nina went to take her dog for a walk. She then pulled out a Mickey from the inside of her jacket.

"Take a shot" Nina placed the strong-smelling vodka towards my lips

"No thanks. I don't drink"

"Come on Elle stop being such a goody-two-shoe and live a little" Nina passed me the Mickey Again.


"Elle" Nina looked at me.

"Come on this party is going to be fun and you don't want to be the only one sober. Come on" Nina passed the bottle my way for a third time. I finally took the bottle from Nina's hand.

"Bottoms up." Nina cheered me on. I threw back that vodka like if I was a pro.

"Damn! That's gross. You couldn't have pick something less potent" I said to Nina as I whipped my mouth.

"Oh, suck it up." Nina said as we walked back inside. We then headed upstairs to pick out an outfit.

"Here, wear this" Nina pulled out the shortest yellow mini dress

"This? This is not me, Nina" I gave it back to her with a look of discuss of my face.

"Ok. How about this" She pulled out a black high wasted skirt and a white long-sleeved Crop top. I am not use to wearing things like this but all I had was my Pj's for tonight and

A grey jogging suit so I guess I had no choice.

"Wow! You look great, Elle. This is the best I've seen you look. But now we got to do something

With that big hair." Nina went to her washroom and plugged in her flat iron. About an hour and a half Later, Nina had pressed every section of my thick, long curly hair. She gave me a seductive side part to finish it off. 

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