Chapter 2

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I was in my second year of University studying for my Bachelor's degree in law as becoming a successful Criminal Defense Lawyer within Canada was my ultimate goal. My mother always use to say it would be the perfect career for me as I was always talking, trying to get people to understand my logic is undeniable.

Fighting for justice from Elementary school playing court of law on the playgrounds I became the recess judge. You had to go through me to have your playground rule justified. It was late 2007 and I was a twenty – four year old struggling student.

I come from a great upbringing. My father was a hard worker born in Sidney, Australia whom started out in radio, addressing serious subjects like politics, the justice system, the people today and who they will become tomorrow. He worked at KW 92.6 radio station since he was sixteen years old; first being the janitor to one day having a in-depth conversation with the owner who like what he had to say.

 My father was a strong man whom carried himself very well. He was well known man and respected by higher ups in the city and around the world for his positive influence. My father, Garret Carrington was a man of great patience which I clearly did not inherit. He never spoke down to people. When he had a point to prove, he would do it inthe most noble way possible. A man of God and a great role model in my life amongst others. 

My mother and him met on a family vacation my mother had when she was eighteen with her family. My father was at coffee shop and my mother was walking by to the discount store next door. He was twenty-six at the time and knew after seeing my mother he wanted to marry her. My mother, Hilary seem to be really smitten by my father that she gave it up a little too early cause a year later I was born and my father had to buy a one way ticket for my mother as my grandparents kicked her out due to the results. My father built a great life for my mother and I. At the age of thrity-three my father retire from radio and moved our family to Toronto. 

My father and mother opened up a restaurant called the Caribbean Thai downtown Toronto on spadina. My mother being half Pilipino, and my father Caribbean background lead my mother and him to add a spin on Asian and Caribbean cuisine. The business was really successful for the first eight years until my dad was diagnose with lupus taking a serious toll on my father physically while hurting my mother emotionally.

Within a few years lupus took my father's life and my mother smile. I had to be strong for the both of us as we were all we had.

My mother hasn't spoken with her family since they disowned her when she conceived me. Luckily my father's life insurance policy took care of our debts and living cost. I was working two jobs by the age of seventeen in order to save for college and take care of my own needs and wants as I didn't want my mother worrying about me. My first year of university was the hardest with two jobs, intense work load and a horrible break up with Neil Johnson.

He wanted me to be someone I wasn't. Let's just sum it up and

say he was a real class act jerk with a small dick and something to prove. From that I realized what I did not want in a relationship. The day just started and my lecture class has me wanting to take a nap I went to the cafeteria to grab a coffee. While stirring my large double double with cream I turned around to bump into John. "Shit!"

I yelled as the hot coffee burn my chest and my stomach making my white bra slightly visible.

"I am so sorry" John said with remorse as he helped me clean up. I guess he was too sorry that he didn't Realize he was touching my breast. I know, he was trying to help. "I'll take care of this" as I moved John's hands from my C up breast. John looked uncomfortable as he turned shy.

"Let me get you another coffee" John advised

"another large double double with cream please" I asked the cafeteria lady.

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