"Kisama (You bastard)," Gouenji's voice was merely a whisper. But the amount of ire and anguish that was built up behind it was unfathomable. "What did you do to Kogure?"

The sludge smiled, his face forming back to that of their beloved deceased friend.

"Mr. Killer-san! Shouldn't you ask that to yourself?" the 'Kogure' piped up in an innocent voice. "I mean you're the one who dealt me the final blow. You're the real reason I died,"

Several gasps were heard. As far as many of them would not like to believe it, the distinguishable look of guilt that was upon Gouenji's face told them otherwise.

"G-Gouenji...kun...? U-Uso deshou (I-It's a lie, right?)" there were tears in the corner of Aki's eyes as her hands were interlaced in front of her chest, trembling.

Gouenji didn't reply. The death of Kogure-the true death, played in the back of his mind over and over like a broken recording, reminding him of his sins that he had committed with his own two hands. He took a step backwards.

Unknown to them, 'Kogure' hid a smirk, knowing that he had struck a chord. It was time to put his plan into action. Kogure made his way to the barricaded door.

"I was kidding when I said I ate him," 'Kogure' glanced back one last time, this time right into Gouenji's onyx eyes. "But y'know there are ways around the gates of Death that can be breached... If you know how and where...."

"Gouenji, do not listen to it! This is no Kogure! The real Kogure is already dead-!" Hiroto exclaimed as he got in front of the barricade, ready to do anything it takes to keep the creature from opening the door-even if it meant sacrificing himself for the sake of everyone else's survival.



Kogure was DEAD. Accident or not, he was the one who killed Kogure. He was the one who jabbed the poor boy and ended his life. He would never forgive himself for his own actions...!

Gouenji was so blinded with guilt and rage that he did not realise that he was actually running after the twisted version of the boy he had wronged until he felt three pair of arms holding him back. He knew this wasn't Kogure. But anything, anything that could give him a chance-


"Yamerou, Gouenji(Stop it, Gouenji)!"

To everyone's surprise, it was Someoka who delivered it. Everyone had quieted down to stare at the platinum blonde and pink-haired striker. Even Endou himself was shocked at the development that had come upon their circumstance.

"There is no way to bring back the dead! If there were, there would be many of the dead walking around us by now! There would be no one sad and grieving about the death of their beloved!" Someoka then gripped Gouenji by both shoulders, Hijikata and the rest began loosening their hold on the flame striker who had slowly started to calm down as Someoka continued to talk.

"I don't know what you did to Kogure and as much as I hope that he is alive... But that story's over! There's nothing you can do about it! Whatever you did, the Gouenji I know would never do something like that one purpose so I'm pretty sure it's just some mistake or accident!" Someoka clenched his fists. "But if- If Gouenji Shuuya is going to let something like that get to him and-! Then you're not the Gouenji that I know!"

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