Chapter Eighteen

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Nevelia's POV

"Who is here to see me?" I ask

"Her name is Carol, Carol Danvers. Said you used to know her." Tony replies

"Oh yeah, Carol."

Thanos made me fight her, I won but she didn't die. I hope she doesn't want revenge or think I am still on Thanos' side. 

I nod and start walking down to the meeting room, she is there with her blonde shoulder length hair and uniform that used to symbolize her Kree allegiance.

"Nevelia." She says acknowledging my presence 

"Danvers." I say looking at her

She is much taller than me so I have to look up at her.

"Let's go to the meeting room, shall we?" She asks I nod

We walk slowly to the meeting room and sit on opposite sides, but then she gets up to stand next to the projector.

"So why are you here Danvers?" I ask

"There are survivors from your planet Elstaren, they are functioning there. But they need a leader, they are falling apart and they will fall apart more if you don't lead them."

"Why me?"

"You are the last surviving member of the royal court, you need to be their queen."

"I am barely sixteen and you expect me to rule an entire planet?"

"Yes, you see they are trying to lead each other but nothing is working. They need a ruler, they need order."

"And you are saying I will be Queen there?"

"Yes, you will need a King but yes, you will be Queen."

"I decline your offer."

"You can't. They will die without you."

"I want to stay here, I need to stay here. Get a better reputation, a better view of myself. When I do that I will go back."

"You have five years maximum here than you must return. Do you understand?"

"Yes I understand."

"In the meantime I will have them elect people to be a part of the royal court and I will keep a close eye on them."

"Thank you Carol."

"It's ok. They needed help and that is my job, to help."

"Still you didn't need to come out and find me."

"You mean I could have done a half-ass job and still have them die?" She asks

I give a shrug, I stand up and walk over to give her a hug. She hugs me then steps back.

"I need to be getting back now, take care. I will check up on your progress once a month and update you on the progress of your planet."

"Sounds perfect. Goodbye Carol."

"Goodbye Nevelia."

She smiles at me and walks out to fly off. I have to be Queen of a planet when I am 21 and find a King at the same time, could I do that? Could I bring myself to rule, or could I just stay here as an Avenger.

No I have people who need me, people to protect. I need to save them too, just like I will save the rest of the world.

I walk to the terrace overlooking the dense forest and the beautiful city beyond. Everyone there has a story, a reason for what they are doing, a motivation that gets them out of bed, do I have that?

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