Chapter 22- The Truth

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"I still don't think this is a good idea."

"Did I ask you what you thought?"

"Well... no, you didn't, but what if... what if our plan goes wrong?"

"Our plan WON'T go wrong, Gill, because I executed it! There's no way this plan can fail this time."

"Um, yeah... about last time?"

"Y-yeah. We were thinking-"

"Way to drag me into this..."

"- that you kind of went a little.... power hungry. Maybe even insane. Pleasedon'tyellatme."

"INSANE?! I'll show you insane you ungrateful-"

"He only means that you just... lost your way! Aiden, we want to help you! We don't want to seek revenge on the New Order! We don't want to be the bad guys anymore!!"

"What you want doesn't matter anymore! I'm in charge, and I'll decide what you deserve!"

"If you would just listen-"

"You think I'm weak, don't you?! That I'm some kicked puppy to be pitied! I'll show you-"

"Aiden, that's enough, please-!"

"Lukas would never allow th-"



"Have you forgotten what Lukas did to us? He sided with Jesse! He betrayed us, all because he was starry eyed for that pathetic loser! Just because she saved the world... that doesn't give him the right to just... just LEAVE US LIKE THAT!!!"

"Aiden... maybe he did leave us, but he had every right to. We were horrible to him. They treat him better than we ever did. And we're enemies. Maybe that's why he stayed away. He knew we wouldn't approve. He still cares about us, Aiden. Even if you don't think so."

"Then tell me this, Maya. If he cared about us like you say, then why isn't he still with us?"

"... Because you kicked him out."


"You made him feel unwanted, Aiden. You turned against him. You should've seen the hurt in his eyes. That's why he went to Jesse. Because she accepted him, and you didn't."

"Whatever. He can do whatever the hell he wants! He's nothing to me now."

"You could be accepted too, Aiden."

"... what?"

"You can be forgiven. Even after everything that happened at Sky City, after you destroyed so many lives, Jesse showed you mercy. Something you certainly didn't deserve. You told her yourself you would try to change-"

"That's called a lie, Maya."

"And maybe it was then. But now, you have a choice. You can choose to make yourself a better life, because the opportunity was given to you. Jesse gave you that second chance! Don't you want to take it?"

"NO! This is how I am, Maya, and there is no changing that. If you don't like it, then take it up with Miss Hero in Residence. She's the reason I am the way I am!"

"But Aiden, what you're planning on doing... it's c-crazy. This guy... he's a monster. What makes you even think he'll do what you ask?"


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