Chapter 2- The Fallen City

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Lukas and Jesse decided to take the road to the jungle temple on foot, figuring that it would be a lot better than worrying about tying up the horses. They reached the jungle biome faster than she thought they would. The grass transitioned into a luscious bright green, the tall trees casting shadows into their path. An ocelot skittered across the trail, causing the two to halt in their tracks and laugh before continuing when it was clear once more.

"Okay, I am getting serious deja vu," Jesse said, gazing up at the trees.

"Same here," Lukas said, glancing over at her. "The last time we were in the portal network, we were trying to get out of it."

Jesse chuckled. "That was an adventure. It feels like so long ago. I wonder how Petra and Ivor are doing right now."

Petra had left Beacon Town shortly after the defeat of the Admin. Jesse was dreading letting her best friend go but she knew deep down that this was what Petra needed. What she deserved. Surprise came to her when Petra- the toughest and bravest girl she knew- had broken down right in front of her in that cabin. The fact that her own future hadn't even been planned out yet was tearing her apart. Not only that, but it was Petra's fear of losing her friends that was holding her back.

      It was something that Jesse had never expected from Petra, but obviously it had been gnawing at her from the inside for a while now. The cabin... just being in that cabin- that familiar environment- reminded both the girls of their friends. They used to be so close, and now they were only drifting apart. Petra's plans of leaving to go off on her own only solidified her worst nightmare: losing her friends, and being alone again.

      And that terrified her.

      It was the breaking point, and when Petra finally confessed everything, Jesse hated herself for causing Petra to feel like she was stopping her friend's happiness. Still, Jesse just put on a smile, and told Petra she needed to do whatever she needed to find her happy place, and that Jesse would be there when she came home. While she was sad to let her friend go, she knew that it was the right decision.

Since then, Petra had been going on some crazy adventures, her location completely unknown to them. Jesse sometimes found herself lying awake at night, wondering how her friend was doing and if Petra was doing the same. But if Petra was happy, then she was happy. That was good enough for Jesse.

"Petra's probably having the time of her life, wherever she is," Lukas said. Jesse found herself staring at the ground. Despite the heartache and loneliness that was growing inside her, Jesse had no regrets in supporting Petra. She hadn't realized Lukas had continued the conversation until the silent mumbles became words.

"I can't believe we're willingly going back to the portal network. What if we can't find our portal again?"

       "Relax, Lukas," Jesse said. "This time we're not going in blindly. If things go wrong, we can always find Crown Mesa's portal, and ask for Harper's help."

      "You're right," Lukas let loose a breath. "It's good to know that this time we have friends. Sorry, this whole situation's been making me really tense."

       Jesse slowed to a stop to pull him into a hug. Lukas tensed for a moment, obviously not expecting the embrace, but sank into her arms gladly. "Hey, don't worry," Jesse assured. "We'll find them. I promise."

       She squeezed him once more, and then let go. Lukas gave her an appreciative smile, and as Jesse smiled back, a beam of light momentarily landed on her eyes, causing them to shimmer an emerald green. Jesse didn't smile too often anymore, but when she did, the whole world woke up to see it. When she smiled- a genuine, heartfelt smile- she was happy, and everyone around her was too. He'd do anything to make her smile.

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