Chapter 20- Betrayed

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Radar didn't know what to do. There he was, facing down the old enemy of his hero and friend, a foe that he himself could not hope to defeat alone, and he was terrified. If he still had his voice, he would've been screaming at the top of his lungs, crying out for Jesse's help and running away, just like he'd done many times before.

But now, even though his entire body was shaking and he could barely stay on his own two feet, he stood his ground because he had no other choice. For once, he was going to fight for himself. The intern took a deep breath, attempting to clear the fog of fear that clouded his mind. He swapped his book for a glowing iron sword. If he wants this book, Radar thought bravely. He'll have to take it out of my inventory.

Hefting his sword, Radar placed it between his body and Aiden's, and nodded once, challenging his assailant. He raised a brow.

Bring. It. On.

Aiden howled, his eyes glowing an even fiercer white than before, if that was even possible, and swung his sword over his shoulder with both hands. It slammed down upon Radar like a hammer, instead splintering the wood of the floor. Fear briefly returned into Radar's eyes only for a moment before he was knocking Aiden over with a single shove of his foot.

Radar then went on the offensive, swinging wildly in Aiden's direction while the man was off balance. Aiden avoided each swing, and cut through the air with the blade, hitting the side of Radar's own weapon and using it to spin the intern's entire body out of control.

Radar's mouth was open in a silent scream as he was flung around, and eventually thrown across the room into a bookshelf. Wincing, he glanced up as the room spun, and once again was barely able to avoid taking damage as Aiden threw a punch to his head. The whole bookshelf shuddered and collapsed with a crash.

I can't fight him forever, Radar panted, scrambling to his feet and sprinting to the other side of the room as Aiden recovered. I need to alert the others. I need-

Aiden slashed his sword at Radar's neck before he could even react. He felt himself gasp and raised his sword up across his face to protect himself.

The blades clashed. The sound of scraping metal across metal ached in Radar's ears, sparks flying as Aiden pushed harder and harder. Aiden's strength was infinitely superior compared to his own. The blade was slowly creeping closer to Radar's chest; he didn't have much time left.

Radar shut his eyes, trying to block Aiden's conniving grin, when a whooshing sound cut through the air.


An arrow had sunk into Aiden's back, right through his chest.

Eyes wide, Radar watched as Aiden snarled, glaring down at the arrow as if it had just rudely interrupted a conversation. The sword was lifted from Radar's chest, and he let loose a breath of relief that he hadn't realized he'd been holding. He shoved Aiden away from him and sprinted for the door, where Lukas was standing there waiting, bow in hand.

"I warned you," He said darkly, staring at Aiden.

Aiden merely ripped the arrow from his chest like it was only a splinter, and while blood dripped from the arrow, the wound itself seemed to be healing rapidly. A growl slipped between his teeth. "Lukas," He sneered. "Why are you always interfering in my plans? Why are you always the one who has to ruin EVERYTHING?!"

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