Chapter 3- Silent Whispers

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"I can't believe how much this place has grown since we left."

"Yes, quite. Isa has been focused on expansion. You know, to be closer to materials and to have more land for farming. Much has changed since people were given the freedom to build."

"I've seen some of the architecture," Lukas piped in, eyes shining. "It's incredible."

"Indeed," Milo agreed. "While I surely do not believe in her personal methods, I do have to admit that she has the skills to pay the bills."

"What about the citizens?" Jesse asked. "What kinds of things have they built?"

"They focus more on community needs," Milo explained. "There was a lot of controversy about how much freedom people should have to build, and eventually we came to a compromise. Citizens would be allowed to build as they please, so long as it does not pose a threat to the city and the people in it."

"I suppose that's fair," Lukas remarked. "It's looking great."

"Yeah," Jesse agreed, as the four of them- that is she, Lukas, Milo and Reginald- approached the front steps of the palace. Reginald gave a firm nod to Jesse and Lukas before departing to enter the palace. "It's definitely a lot more flashy than Beacon Town in some areas."

"Beacon Town?" Milo asked curiously.

Jesse stood proudly, placing her hands on her hips. "Oh you know, just a little town that I run. Not a big deal."

"No big deal?" Lukas repeated with a laugh. "Jesse, you're practically the Mayor."

Jesse spun on her heel to face him, annoyed. "Lukas, I told you, I'm the Hero-In-Residence, not a Mayor!"

"Is there supposed to be a difference?" Milo questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, and it's-"

"Well, isn't this a surprise!"

A woman seemed to suddenly appear at the top of the steps, standing tall as she gazed down on them. She was dressed in a royal gold and black robe, with a sparkly gold resting around her head like a crown. Her ebony black bangs were being pulled back by an orange clip, revealing her striking green eyes. At her feet rested a happy clucking chicken.

"The Founder!" Lukas realized, stepping to the side as she got nearer.

"It's certainly good to see you again, Jesse and... er..." The Founder stammered on her words, her forehead creasing as she struggled to find the right name.

"Lukas." Lukas offered.

"Ah, yes of course," She finished, embarrassed.

Jesse unexpectedly tackled the Founder in a hug. For a moment she tensed, but accepted the action as Jesse pulled away. Jesse's eyes widened, noticing the shocked look on Isa's face. "Sorry," Jesse cleared her throat. "It's good to see you too, Ma'am-uh- Isa."

"It's alright," Isa excused nervously. Reginald smiled. Only Jesse could get away with hugging the Founder. Isa recollected herself, and continued. "What brings you two back to Terram City?"

Lukas once again explained the note, and how he was hoping that he could find an explanation as to why it was sent. Isa crossed her arms, pondering on the situation. "I'm sorry to say my relations with these... "Blaze Rods" have grown thin since they were released from our dungeons. Although, the guards have been keeping an eye on them in case they witness any suspicious activity... but the amount of said activity is, oddly enough, quite non-existent."

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