Then they heard a knock on the door. "Uncle Minnie and uncle Yoonie are here!" A familiar high pitched voice said behind the door. The door opened revealing Jimin and Yoongi.

The black haired beta quickly ran to hug his best friend and the baby boy in his arms. "Can I carry him Tae?" Jimin asked. The other agreed and gave Jimin the small baby in his arms. Yoongi, on the other hand, went to lie down on the white couch in the side of the room.

"Ugh, why is Yoongi like this?" Jin rolled his eyes when he saw the blue haired alpha sleeping soundly. "Come on guys, let's leave Yoongi here and let's eat breakfast." Jin continued and the others agreed. They left the sleeping Yoongi alone so he could sleep peacefully.


Hello, hope you enjoyed this chapter. I already told you guys that I would skip after the triplets would be born so I did. I'm gonna write their ranks. Hope this information will be useful.

Dalchan: Male, True blood Alpha

Yunhee: Female, True blood Alpha

Hyesung: Male, Royal blood Omega

Meme time!

Meme time!

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