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I wake today without Jin hyung shouting too. I know I'm not late for school cause it's Sunday, there's no school. I got off my bed and went to the kitchen to get food. I didn't see Somi noona or Jin hyung. They must be out buying groceries for lunch. I took the cereal box and pour some cereal on my bowl then put milk. After I finished eating I decided that I'll take a walk on the park. I went to my room took a quick shower and change my clothes to a black and white stripes long sleeves shirt, black pants, white shoes, and a black hat.

(Taehyung's outfit ^

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(Taehyung's outfit ^. No mask. Hair in DNA era.)

I wrote a letter in the kitchen that I'll be out for a walk. If they (JN&SM) were here they wouldn't let me go or at least not letting me go alone. I know they'll get angry after they see my letter especially Somi noona. But it's okay. I went out of the house not forgetting my keys. While walking in the park, I saw a lost boy with a bag I think it's his clothes crying while mumbling "Mommy where are you!". I ran to the kid and said "Hello did you lost your mommy?". The boy nodded. "What's your name? Mine is Kim Taehyung" I said smiling. "L-Lee T-Tae-yong." The boy said looking though his hands. "That's a cute name. Well, Taeyong what did your mommy say before she left?" I asked.

(The park ^

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(The park ^. Remember it's August)

"Mo-mmy s-said t-hat *sobs* she-she will b-buy me c-candy and c-come back b-but m-mommy is t-ak-ing t-oo long." After Taeyong said that my eyes widen. Please don't tell me that she left Taeyong cause she didn't want him. Really, leaving him in the park alone do you not care if a kidnaper kidnaps this child? You're lucky I'm the one who find him. Because if she really did buy him candy she would let taeyong come with her. And he has a bag full of clothes.

*sighs* I don't know what to do. "Okay then Taeyong, come I'll bring you to a place where they can help you find your mommy." I said. Or maybe you'll find a new mommy. "R-really h-hyung?" Taeyong said. I feel so sad, with him looking at me like that I feel even more sad. "Yes Taeyongie. Come on let's go." I said grabbing his hand bring him to the orphanage.

"Thank you Mr. Kim for bring Taeyong here we will take very good care of him don't you worry." Ms. Oh said. "Umm... Ms. Oh can I visit Taeyong... four times a week?" I asked smiling cutely. I know no one can handle my cuteness. "Yes you can Mr. Kim." She said smiling at me too. "Before I go I'll check up on Taeyong." I said while going up to his room.

(The room ^ [find this on Google 😅😅😅] )

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(The room ^ [find this on Google 😅😅😅] )

"Taeyongie." I said while opening the door quietly. I saw Taeyong crying in the bed. "Hyungie." He said. I ran and hugged him. "Will *sobs* I ever see mommy again hyungie?" Taeyong said. "I really don't know Yongie. Maybe soon and if not then wait, wait until I grow up I'll find my mate, then marry him or her, and then I'll bring you to live with us. Before that I'll come fours times a week we will play until you fall asleep, you'll have new friends or maybe even a new roommate. Just remember Yongie I will never leave you."

"Pinky promise hyung?" Taeyong said showing me his pinky finger. "Yes Yongie pinky promise." I said while putting our pinky fingers together. I felt something vibrate in my pocket and it was my phone. I saw there where texts and miscalls from Somi noona and Jin hyung. Oh no. I opened my text from Some noona and saw.

Somi noona 🐭: TAEHYUNG WHERE R U?


Yup, this is why I hate being a mateless omega. Or an omega to say exactly.



Somi noona 🐭: Finally 😡

Beautaeful 🐯: 😁


"*sighs* Yongie I got to go my my friend is gonna kill me for being late. I'm sorry" I said smiling sadly I really don't want to go. "Oh, it's okay hyungie." Taeyong said sadly. "I'll promise I'll come tomorrow with a gift. Okay?" I said. Taeyong smiled and then said "Really hyungie?". "Yes really, now go play and make new friends." I smiled while saying it. "Okay. Bye bye hyungie!" Then Taeyong waved cutely. "Bye bye Yongie!" I said while closing the door. I walked out of the orphanage and looked around. I need to find a shortcut real fast. I found a narrow alley and walked to it, hoping no one will be there.

Unfortunately the moon goddess hates me as usual. I think I did something very bad in my past life to make the moon goddess get angry this much. I saw three men acting weird or crazy you can say. Holding a bottle of yellow liquid. Wait, ARE THEY DRINKING PEE?!!!! "Hey there baby boy what's your name?" One of the men said coming closer to me. Before I could move back the other two men hold my wrists. I try to pull back but they were strong. Another reason of why I hate being an omega.

"Oh baby boy we're gonna have so much fun with you." One of the guys said. Huh? "U-umm, p-please d-on't k-k-kill m-e." I said shaking in fear. "Why would we kill a doll face like you. We're just gonna have fun." One of the guys said licking my neck. I gasps and before could say anything I heard a voice say

"I don't think it's even considered fun if the other person doesn't want it."


Hello I hope you enjoyed chapter five. I also put Lee Taeyong from NCT. I don't really know much about him or his personality soooooo, yeah? Anyways Bye bye. Don't forget to vote and if you have some ideas for this story write it in the comments. I love you ❤❤❤

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