♥00♥ The chosen one

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"And why not?" 

"Because I am late for school and my ride is coming close." 

Behind the two men, Kasamatsu Yukio was driving a motor bike. The 18 year old was going full speed, not caring if he will hit the two men because he needed to save a certain girl from the spot.


The two soldiers looked back with shock and they jumped out of the way instantly. Kasamatsu did not stop and he managed to let Mitsuru jump onto the seat behind him. 

"Hey kid, in the future, don't say things like joining the terrorists... You are still young and you shouldn't die early." With that, Mitsuru and Kasamatsu speeded off to school.

"We have to get them!" One of the men got up and was about to give chase but the other man stopped him. 

"Wait! Those uniforms... They are from Kaijou Military High school! They are one of the top schools that are training teenagers to become soldiers for WINGS!" 


"Yes! If we put a bullet on either of them... We could have our heads on a stake!"


"I thought you said you don't care about anything inside the dome?" Kasamatsu said to Mitsuru as he parked his bike.

"I don't." 

"Then why did you rescue that kid?" 

"No reason. I just felt like it." Mitsuru didn't see her actions back there to be a heroic act. In fact, she's got zero interest to become the country's hero because she honestly doesn't care, everything can just fade to nothing as far as she can see. 

Kasamatsu rolled his eyes and took off his helmet. He put the helmet away before lightly punching Mitsuru's forehead. 

"You're a reckless girl, what if I didn't get there on time?" 

"You're always on your bike, Yukio-senpai, I have known you for a very long time to know when you will wake up and ride your stupid bike." 

"It's not a stupid bike!" She dodged one of his uppercuts, making him angrier, "You!" He threw another punch and Mitsuru dodged them again and again. "How dare you avoid my hits?!" 

"Hah!" Mitsuru threw out a punch but she stopped before hitting him and she kicked Kasamatsu's leg. "If it's hand to hand combat, I won't lose." Mitsuru said as he fell forward. "C'mon, we're going to be late for stupid schoo-" Mitsuru was suddenly caught in a choke hold by the boy she had just kicked down. She has forgotten something about her childhood friend; he really hates losing! And he will never ever go down without a fight. 

"What was that about my bike?!" 

"It's stupid!" 

"Fuck you, Mitsuru!" 

"Gak! You're killing me! Yukio-senpai, you bastard!" She stomped her foot on Kasamatsu's foot, blatantly hurting him. 

"FUCK! Mitsuru, you bitch! You used your S.G on me!" 

"That's what you get for choking me to death!" 

The S.G (Sky Gear) that Kasamatsu was talking about was a circular, flat microchip that's used to attach at the bottom of the shoes. It synchronizes with the mind of the user and it can allow the user to move at any speed as well as defy gravity. Mitsuru just used her S.G to give Kasamatsu a stomping of a lifetime when she made gravity stronger on one of her foot.

♥Hearts♥KnB♥Kise Ryouta or Kasamatsu Yukio♥Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang