Strange Questions

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January 28, 1964
After I wrote the T.V studio back saying that me and my husband would gladly do the interview I decided to just lay down and take a nap. Of course that's never gonna happen. Sickness just wants to be with me all the time, it's making me loose it! I've heard about pregnancy stuff before and I know that your not supposed to throw up black ink. Also my food interests have greatly changed and it's only been a few weeks!
One of the searches were kind enough to fetch me one of those books about pregnancy. Though of course what it says in the book is nothing like what's happening to me. Bendy says it's because of his sperm. I can see why he would say that, he is a toon after all. Maybe this is why other couples never have baby's, it's just too much to handle. Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to have this child, but since no one has ever tried this I'm not sure what to expect.
As I was walking around checking up on the studio I heard knocking on the door. Was that them? I called out for Bendy just in case it was. In a flash he was right next to me, always ready to protect me. "I think it's time for the interview. Remember to behave." We both walked up to the door ready to face humanity. I opened up the door and was immediately blinded by the flash of a camera. "Sorry about that ma'am, it's just such an honor to meet you and your husband!" I rubbed my eyes trying to get back my eyesight. "Uh, it's fine. Please come in so that we can get this started." I wasn't trying to sound rude, but after that flash I have a major headache. It seems like they sent over a new guy to do the interview. "It really is such a pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Demon. I promise that this interview will be quick as possible." He walked in front of us like he knew where he was going. Bendy glanced over at me, not amused at all. 'Jeez, why'd they send over a little brat to us?' I gave him a stern look before I signed to him. "Let's just get this over with, I'm not in the best mood right now."
We followed this kid until he sat down in the break room. Before I could pull out my chair Bendy did it for me. "Thank you dear." "Aww he really is something, right ma'am?" "Yes he's a true gentleman." It felt a bit weird when he calls me ma'am, not sure why. "Before we begin what is your name?" His head shot up and he seemed really happy when I asked him that. "Oh! My name is Joseph. Aaand what might be yours?" "My name is Y/N." I would of thought he would of known that since the studio knew. "Alright let's begin! First question, even though it's against the law to date a demon you did so and even married one, why?" What kind of question is this? "Um well I knew it was a sin, but honestly I couldn't care less. I'm happy with him and that's all that matters." Joseph wrote down my response on a piece of paper. "Mmmmk next question! Actually this one is for your husband. Why would you marry a human?" That seemed a bit rude to ask. Bendy didn't seem to fond over that question either. He started to sign his response, I knew what he was saying but poor Joseph looked confused. "Uh what did he say?" I rolled my eyes, not wanting to do this anymore. " he said since he's trapped in here he's never met any other toon. Plus from what he's heard they all sound awful. He's known me my whole life and it felt right. It would of been wrong to be with anyone else."
This interview was not short at all. Three hours this has been going on and me and Bendy were just finished with this kid. "Sorry to stop your interview Joseph, but me and my husband would like this interview to be finished. You have plenty of stuff written down for your studio. I'm sure they'll be thrilled with what you have." "I mean I guess, but thank you for this opportunity Mr. and Mrs. Demon. I'll see myself out!" Bendy followed him just to make sure that he actually left. I was just so tired that I fell asleep right there on the table. Being pregnant really takes all of your energy, especially since this baby might be different then the other kids. Just a few more months and then we'll see this precious being come into this world and grow up.
Sorry that it's short I'm really tired and I can't think of what else to put. Besides that I am in love with the game Blush Blush! Especially Eli!! Such a cutie, but nothing will never replace my love for this demon!!!!!

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