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Scarface pulled out a knife from behind. He measured the sharpness with the tip of his finger.

"Ah, such a waste. The knife won't be able to fulfill its purpose today."

Scarface put his knife away and Black Beast let his guard down. He was unsure of Scarface's next move and his perplexed expression was clear on his unmasked face. Scarface caught on.

"I know you are disappointed and so am I that we couldn't finish this off today but this is neither the right place nor the right time. Also, I am bound by words but just consider yourself lucky for now because what you saw today was just gist of my anger. Just wait and watch, no sooner you will find yourself in a place worse than a prison."

Black Beast dropped his tensed shoulders as Scarface disappeared into the dark lanes. He stood still amidst the cold winds for his mind was in an unknown turmoil. He was somehow restless over Scarface's action. As much as Black Beast has known him, Scarface never cared about the consequences of his actions, let alone be bounded by mere words. He was a rash fellow. Scarface leaving the fight in middle after what Black Beast had done to him meant that things were going to get dangerous ahead. He only had one thought in his mind. Black Beast just wished that he doesn't regret what couldn't happen today when things were in his hands as opposed to the future where the situation can go beyond his reach.


Ayaan stretched himself on a couch at his brother's place. His rested his head on his hand as he crossed his legs over the coffee table. A jingle from the keys was heard as Armaan entered the house.

"Bhai! I didn't know you were stopping by. Look, how much I collected today. Just have to say, half of the crowd from the Main street must be crying back at their homes right now."

Armaan snickered as he ignored his brother's state.

"That's great. They deserve it anyway," Ayaan uttered subconsciously. Armaan dropped his heavy shoulder bag and something poked out.

"Yes, yes they do." He discreetly pushed the gun back inside the bag behind him.


The next morning, Mehek found herself awake on the couch in her living room. The dark circles around her eyes were getting darker as a consequence of her sleepless nights. Today, Mehek was unusually anxious. She looked at the isolated vase on the cabinet and counted the Moonflowers.


It was the tenth day. Mehek's excitement turned into anxiety over what this day would bring forth when Ayaan would drop the last Moonflower into the vase. More than a thousand scenarios that ran in her hand in the anticipation of the unknown drained her already fatigued body. So, she decided to lay down and wait for the night for it would eventually unfold of what is to come. She just stared at the ceiling. Will he come today? Will he stop coming after today? What if today is the day, he robs the house?

Soon, it grew darker outside. Mehek checked the water in the vase and stood there, observing the flowers. A sense of serenity engulfed her but the lost fragrance generated a bad feeling inside her. Was she getting dangerously attached to someone she doesn't even know? Now that her sensibility was rekindled, her instincts were responding in a different way. A thief was a criminal after all but what she went through in the last few days were messing with her rationality. The sound of a sliding window broke her train of thought. Mehek lost all her reasoning with herself and stood uptight in front of her open bedroom door. Her eyes beamed with energy resounding from her beating heart.

The sound of nearing footsteps from the bedroom were heard clearly in the living room. He appeared near the bedroom entrance and his face become visible under the kitchen light. Mehek's lightened up face faded sooner than it appeared.

It was not Black Beast. 

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