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Pirate punched a crack into the table as he finally lost his cool over Black Beast's unresponsiveness in their strategy meeting for their next big burglary. Crackhead cackled over his outburst as he continued playing with the matchstick while squatting down on the chair. Pirate gave him a quick stink eye before he focused back to Black Beast.

Black Beast, meanwhile, wasn't able to push back the thoughts that were arising related to his last night's encounter. Amidst the thousands of thoughts, a small image remained prominent in his mind that made him lose his sleep for the picture became clearer as he closed his eyes.

The noose.

Black Beast was uneasy to have left that rope hanging there. What if she attempts again? He tried to shoo his thoughts away as he began reasoning with himself that he has saved her once and that would be enough for at least letting himself be considered by Gods at the Gates of Heaven when the time comes. He tried to ignore his little mind chatter multiple times but it was as vain as clearing out the fog with one's hands. He sat there pondering when he jumped as Pirate banged the table.

His mind gave him the final signal.

"This is the last time I will be asking you. Have you arranged the weapons as discussed yesterday?" barked Pirate who was still angry and maybe a little astonished as well over the fact that Black Beast had returned empty-handed last night.

"I have to go back."

Black Beast bounced up from the wooden chair and rushed out. He did not dare look back at Pirate who stood there fuming furiously like a cooker that could blow any minute now. Blue Volt just managed to let out a long sigh as Crackhead accidentally burned away some of his eyelashes, startled by Black Beast's aggressive escape.

Black Beast was back on the third floor.

Through the balcony.

He was breathless yet again and a feeling of anxiety was building inside of him. The house was dark as usual but he didn't know why he squinted his eyes as he entered the bedroom. Unaware, he was half expecting a terrible sight to unfold in front of him. The sight of the hanging noose that flashed in front of his eyes under the flickering kitchen light was somehow more terrifying than his imagination that had made him go sleepless.

His eyes shot wide open when he heard some noise that most likely came from television. He entered the living room where he saw the young woman sitting on the couch watching a news channel that was reporting on some criminal activity.

Black Beast was relieved when he found out that it wasn't about him. Then he thought that he wasn't that huge of a criminal who would be honored with a news report about him. This thought pierced his self-esteem but it is actually good, right? He wasn't sure about that himself.

"That's my brother."

The woman spoke meekly from the couch without moving her eyes away from the T.V screen. Black Beast was at a loss of words but he yet again wasn't sure that he was bewildered over the shocking revelation or the fact that the woman just spoke to him in the most casual manner ever.

Black Beast turned towards the T.V screen where he saw some police officers being interviewed by journalists regarding a man that stood with them and his face was covered with a black cloth bag. The news went on informing other details of the case.

Black Beast went blank as the women turned to look at him where her face was visible amidst the vibrant lights originating from the T.V. He ruffled his hair from behind and his smooth black hair that almost reached his eyes were now a complete mess.

"You don't know me." Exclaimed Black Beast.

"Yes, I Don't." She replied almost instantaneously.

"So, you do realize that-" Black Beast began.

"I am afraid." The woman interrupted.

Black Beast waited.

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