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The crescent moon hid behind the thick clouds as trees sung their own tunes, influenced by the cold breeze that swept between Black Beast's feet as he walked through an empty garden. He sat on a bench as the wind got playful with his hair. He silently spaced out into the darkness with his fingers interlocked as a response from his thoughtfulness.

A silent Black Beast meant only one thing; his heart was louder.

Black Beast ran his hand through his hair as he sat there contemplating his decisions. His decision to help Mehek has made him doubt his decision of choosing the path of crime. He ruffled his hair hard as he let out a groan in frustration. He has begun to realize that Mehek is somehow becoming the key to his locked heart. She was, unknowingly, tapping onto his caged emotions and Black Beast was not fine with it. A doubt that he never questioned was taking a shape of conscience.

"It's all right, I just went weak back there but damn, I am a proud thief with, 99% of success rate and don't people say to be the best in your field, whatever you choose. Well, I am definitely one of the robbery."

Black Beast consoled himself as he closed his eyes and laid his head back towards the directions of the night sky.

"It's all right, humans are mean anyways."

He enjoyed the night breeze for it bought calmness in his upturned life.

"Aren't you a little too relaxed with me out of the prison?"

A dense voice made Black Beast open his eyes with a sense of familiarity. Between his vision and the sky, came a face with a disgruntled expression. Black Beast was quick on his feet as he stood up to face the man who was sent to jail because of him.


The next moment Black Beast found himself on the grass, blown away by a hard punch from Scarface who had chopped off his locks. He stood like a monster in front of Black Beast who was taken aback by the sudden blow. The winds blew harder as the clouds cleared the sky to reveal the moon. Scarface's grey eyes glistened under the dark sky as he walked towards Black Beast and clutched his shirt by the neck. He gritted his teeth in anger.

"You bastard, you lowlife scoundrel! Five years, how much? Five years I have been in that horrendous place because of you," the veins began to show as he hardened his fist further, "Thief, my foot! You are nothing more than a coward who can't face the world, the reality."

Black Beast gave a smirk and jerked Scarface, who stood over him, with both of his hands that landed him on his back with a strong force. Black Beast stood up as he dusted his hands, "First of all, I am one of the best thieves with 99-"

Black Beast received another blow; directly on the face this time. He provokingly scoffed as he managed to balance himself. He came face to face with Scarface who resembled a bloodthirsty predator with stray dogs barking in the background. "Shut up, you bastard!" Scarface gave a threatening shout as he raised his fist to go for another hit but Black Beast stopped him this time. He caught his fist and the glint in his eyes changed. He twisted Scarface's hand and jammed his knee on his stomach with a brutal force. Scarface gaged as he stumbled backward.

"With 99% of success rate," Black Beast completed.

Scarface charged at him like an angry bull but Black Beast maintained his stance. 

"There's a reason they call me Beast." 

With this, he threw Scarface over his head, behind. Scarface's heavy body withstood the fall but the scar on his head made it clear that he wasn't a weak player. This time, he grabbed Black Beast by his throat. Black Beast made no counterattack. 

"W...Why must you kill people? They want to live, their families want them to live," Black Beast stuttered as the grip got tighter on his neck, "I don't understand, why do they take their own lives when I am trying here to stop them from getting killed. Scarface, even if you are a criminal, why become a killer?"

"Almost, Black Beast, Almost. I could have almost become a killer but couldn't because of your stupid principles," Scarface growled, "But being a criminal yourself, what right do you have to have morals. You are just as guilty as I am."

Scarface stared intensely at Black Beast's eyes as he almost dug his fingers inside his throat.

"And you know what? I am not even mad at you for sending me to jail for five years. I am furious that because of you, that murderer got away."

The trees turned silent as the moon hid behind the clouds again. Black Beast pushed Scarface's hand away and gasped for breath. He saw Scarface pulling out a knife from his back as he breathed heavily.

"Fine, let's end this today." Black Beast clutched his fists. 

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