Take it easy

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Have you ever had that feeling when the world is ripped beneath you, and your falling. A thought that you can't process. Or maybe a thought you don't want to. The stomach dropping, heart stopping, mind imploding thoughts. The sun will never shine again, and that total darkness would take over the universe type of thought. The feeling that you would never be happy again, that you would never smile, never being able to do the thing you love the most ever again. The feeling of pure sadness. Depression. I look back at the doctor, waiting, hoping, he would shout surprise and say I could go home. I waited. Nothing. He stood there for a while till he finally removed his thin, gold wire rim glasses. He lets the clipboard hang loose by his side, a deep breath.

"Brianna, you broke a couple of ribs and damaged one of your lungs." He states. Brianna. My name. My real name. But I don't care about that. Part of my life had been snatched away, less than a second, it had all changed. I stare ad my hands, rivers of sweat trailing in the creases. He continues.

"It will be several months till your ribs have heeled, but your lung will take a lot more time. Your lungs are what makes you breathe, you can survive on one, not easily but you can. But you can't do anything physical, you reopen the tear, and it will be permeant." He says. My heart is crushed, I feel the slow pounding. My head stays down.

"This is for you're own good. You did good Brianna, you had a good run. Just take it easy, ok?" He takes a breath and walks out, shutting it. I don't notice the nurse till she sits at the edge of my bed. I hear her sit down, my hands clenching and unclenching. She sits there for a while, silent, unmoving. She turns to me and I finally look up. She has short blond hair, blue eye and a nice smile.

"Honey, I can't say I know what you're going through, cause I don't. but I can tell you that you have already proven that girls can play football. You don't have to push yourself harder for other people. Every one knows who you are, they respect you. You don't have to keep going. You are already at the top, there's only so much more space to go. So honey, take it easy and just live your life."

She says, looking intently at me, making sure everything stuck. She hauled herself to her feet, and walked to the door, hand on the knob. She pulled open the door and turned back around, I didn't glance up.

"You can go home tomorrow." She walks out ad shuts the door behind her. I'm left in the dimly lit room, letting her words sink in.

Sorry that this is so short, the next will be longer. I want thank everyone so much for the 1k 😎😆😄reads, I finally made it.( I told you I could do it mom) Thank you guys for being patient and voting and have an AWESOME day!

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