The Game: Part 5 A Karate Kid Moment

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No. I sit there on he cold wooden bench, silent and not moving. I'm a statue. No. I replay the whole scene in my head, wondering if I was just dreaming and if I pinched myself hard enough j would wake up and be playing on the field. Or maybe I would wake up in bed and it would all be over or it would of never happened at all and I would of just created this whole fantasy. No. No this was real, it had to be. I could feel emotions so raw that I could never make up. If this was real then I would definitely regret today and everything I've ever done. No. I wasn't go to give and let everything go. I struggle to stand up, I brace myself on one of the lockers and let out and inhuman sound. Limping I make it to the double doors. I look up and see the "Play like Champions" sign. I raise to my tiptoes and barley reach the bottom of the sign. Taking a deep breath I shove the door open and make my way into the cold air. As I walk down the tunnel flash backs erupt in my mind. I saw myself when I was little, struggling to wrap my small hands around a football or me putting my helmet on for the first time. Then I see myself making my first touchdown. I could smell and hear everything, I reinvented every face in that crowd. I snap back into to reality when I hear the announcers voice booming and ricocheting of the concrete walls.

"Can it be- I think it-" Announcer 1 says.

"It is! It is Wolf. Look at that folks. She's back." Announcer 2.

"I think she's playing."
Announcer 1.

The whole crowd strains their necks to watch me as I enter the stadium. I try not to limp as I make my way to the field. My Martin skull cap is tucked into my helmet which hangs by my side. Shock is the only thing present on Coach's face. Coach calls a time out as I reach the sidelines. The evil golden carrot's face is priceless. He looks like he just seen a ghost and in a way he kind if did. I want to shout to him " Did ya miss me biotch?!" It takes everything not to say that. Everyone is looking at me but I'm staring at Coach.

"I'm not going to give up." I say.

"Fine you don't have to give up, I'm not letting you go out there." He says.

"Coach please, let me play, in fine. I can do this." It takes everything I have to not let my voice shake.

"No." Is all he says.

I'm about to say something when Erik cuts in.

"Coach if Brianna doesn't play, I'm not going to play." Erik doesn't glance my way and I'm dumbfounded. I blink a couple of times. Logan steps forward.

"Me either, coach. She has worked just as hard as anyone of us, she deserves it." I wipe my eyes, a smile started to form. I was touched. Nobody had ever done something like this before. It was sweet. after that everybody started to chime in and the Coach knew he was beat.

"Your in Brianna, but if you get hurt, I will pull you out immediately and you will never play again. Got it?" He says, face plastered with seriousness. I nod my head and everybody cheers. I can feel my heart literally exploding in my chest.
Erik sticks his hand out.


Maybe our Wildcats? will be our Wildcats! Jk sorry jut had to. I hope you enjoyed this book so far. I know the chapters are short. I hope you guys have a great day. Comment & Vote.

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