Good....I think

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Everything finally felt right, well mostly everything. I was doing good in football, I was making all A's, and I had a boyfriend ( I know, I'm surprised too ). But even though i had everything a person could want, something still felt off. Erik. We weren't fighting, but that was the thing, we weren't talking. I hated him, but I missed him. I-I missed him. I knew every time he got nervous, he would get this cute look on his face and he would pop his fingers, one at a time. He would run his long fingers through his dark hair, making it stand up. When he was angry, he would shove his hands into his pockets or clench his teeth, or both. When he was happy, the sun seemed to glow brighter, his smile would widen, exposing a nice row of white teeth. He would set his hands softly in his pockets, not roughly like he was mad, but quietly. I shake my head, he wasn't mine, he couldn't. I drop my head and clasped my hands together. I feel a tear drop on my leg. I sniffle and try to clear my head. I just wished we could be friends. A talk. A look. A smile. I groan as zip my jacket up. I grab my phone and earbuds and he's out onto the track. Tomorrow was the home game. My stomach tighten and my hands got shaky. I started to breathe hard even though I was walking. I take deep breaths as I lean on the wall outside my dorm. I wipe my face, feeling the sweat that had gathered. The feeling of dread slowly started to fade away. what was that? I shake my head and jog quietly to the track.

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