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"hey what happened to yuqi? i haven't seen her for like," she takes a second to think. "a whole year." sorn asks, taking a bite of the cake.

"uhm, she found new friends i guess."

"i guess we were too crazy for her." lisa laughs at her own joke, minnie staring right past her shoulder with no expression. lisa's laugh dies down as she notices minnie.

"are you okay?"

"can i just rant?"

"yeah, yeah of course." sorn puts down her spoon and they both pay full attention on her.

"so i had a crush on her but i guess she realized and is homophobic? but not long ago she started texting me, drunk, saying she likes me and all, right? so i brought her home and she asked me to stay so i did but when i asked her about it she seemed scared? shs said she did like me but she also kept saying she couldn't be a lesbian or whatever but someone told me that chou tzuyu, you know the popular girl?" they both nod. "someone told me that they use to sleep together and that's just.. i don't know unfair to me? if she can sleep with girls why can't... ugh its whatever."

"wow." lisa blurts out. "i mean damn."

"that's low of her, the fuck?" sorn says. "she says she can't like girls yet has a whole fuck buddy. and i thought boys were confusing."

"wait so. do you still like yuqi or did miyeon steal your heart."

"i love miyeon. of course, i mean she's my girlfriend. but i guess yuqi was my first big big crush. but i don't like her anymore. nope." minnie says, popping the 'p'.

after finishing the cake they walked around, linked arm to arm, entering and leaving stores like the money leaving their bank accounts.

sweet, a little selfish | yuqi (x minnie)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ