I let my eyes raise to Will, finding him chewing mindlessly on his chicken while he stared at me. His eyes narrowed with intent, studying me like an abstract piece he couldn't understand. The sight makes me still with surprise, but he snaps out of his little daze and looks away immediately.

"Sorry." He mumbles quickly, eyes trained to the plate of food sat before him. 

"I'm sorry, for earlier," I reply, with my millionth apology for the night.

Somehow I'd managed to apologize to Will more times over the past half hour than I had in my entire life. It should've been harder than it was, but the need to make things better had apologies pouring out of me.

"I already told you, it's okay Damon." He insists despite the deep concentration directed to his plate. When I don't reply, his eyes raising to me for a brief moment. "Accidents happen."

It wasn't an accident.

"But you're mad now," I state, making his eyebrows pull together as his foot taps furiously against the ground.

"I'm not mad at you." He manages after a moment.

"But you are mad?" 

"No. I'm not mad." He says dropping the fork and leaning back into his chair. He pulls his legs up beneath him and runs a hand through his hair. Frustration rippling off of him in waves as he shifts uncomfortably until he finally settles with a sigh, placing his arm against his knee. "I don't really know. I'm just confused."

I bite my tongue to stop from pressing any further, not when there was so much distress tumbling from him as he looked up at me as if I held the answers but I didn't hold shit.

I place my own fork down gently and fold my arms against the table. Watching him and waiting patiently for him to continue when he was ready to.

"When people touch me, I feel sick." The words send the blade deeper between my chest, sending Theo howling with regret. "Not always sick, it feels horrible. Most times, it's like a flip is switched and I can't breathe or think straight, I just fall apart. Other times, I break out in hives or I vomit. The worst times, I can't move. Not a single inch, it's like I'm completely paralyzed or something. I just have to touch someone and... I hate it so much."

My chest constricts, eyes filling.

"I'm so sor-"

"No. Don't apologize, please don't apologize," Will says quickly to cut me off. A weak smile pulls at his lips while he keeps his eyes trained on me. "It's different with you Damon, I don't feel any of that with you." He whispers, the smile spreading as color fills his cheeks. "With you, it feels normal... good even. I don't know why, but just then, it didn't feel like it usually does."

Relief floods my body like a tidal wave, slamming into my muscles until they were forced to relax and the air refilled my withering lungs. I shut my eyes and force myself to repeat his words like a sacred mantra to live by.

"That probably freaks you out." He continues as he huddles closer to himself. "I shouldn't have said all that, I'm sorry."

"Don't be." I all but beg as I run a hand through my own hair, distracting my fingers from reaching over to hug him. "I thought I hurt you."

"You didn't," Will confirms, dissipating the last of my worries with his gentle smile. He picks up his knife and prods nervously at the remaining food on his plate.

"Then why did you scream?" I ask while leaning forward, resting my arms against the small wooden table. Ears twitching with alert as his confusion slowly spills into my veins.

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