Lust clouded their clear irises as eyes flickered from me to Jenna. I shrunk into Reidon's hold, trying to make myself invisible. Fear commanded that I to do as I'm told and maybe I won't die today.

"She will not be up for mating," Reidon ordered, causing the room to erupt in growls and snarls. Instinctively, I stepped back, only for Reidon to jerk me forward. "Instead," he continued, "I seem to remember she captured the interest of a certain Alpha of Orion."

The crowd's anger turned into cheers and hoots. My stomach twisted itself into knots as I tried to figure out what was happening.

"As you all know we're just collateral damage. Our eyes are branded yellow to symbolise what has been taken away from us, by selfish Alphas who think their actions don't have consequences." Reidon pulled me to him as the crowd erupted with cheers from his speech.

"Did you know, little sister, that I was supposed to be an Orion warrior?" he whispered into my ear. "Can you take a guess what my yellow eyes mean?"

My mind raced in my head at dizzying speeds. I couldn't think of anything that would change a wolf's eye colour. What did Reidon mean? Nothing was making sense.

"Let's see if we can make my sister understand what has been taken from us," Reidon roared, silencing the room. He motioned for Jenna to be brought forward, her face now dried with tears but her body was still sobbing uncontrollably.

"Edrei, you've met Jenna," Reidon smiled, his tone lacking any empathy that it brought a shiver down my spine. "What do you think these males would want with her?" he amused.

I bit down on my lip, refusing to play his game. He yanked me, causing me to bite down, puncturing the skin of my lips. The metallic taste of blood flowed into my lips as a trail of hot red liquid smudged onto my chin.

"Actions have consequences Edrei. It's time you learn that and it's time Alphas do too."

Reidon turned back to the crowd, continuing his sick performance. "To answer the question, little sister, these males will want to mate with her," he continued, "seemingly as we don't have mates anymore."

Snapping my head to my brother, I managed to find my voice through my panic. "That's impossible, Reidon. You have a mate! The colour of your eyes doesn't determine if you do or don't!"

"This is why you're my little sister!" Reidon exclaimed with happiness, "always so native. You see, I did have a mate, but she's dead now, or going to be very soon because I'm not where I'm meant to be. Alphas are supposed to do the heavy lifting, but it seems like the Orion Alpha's infatuation with you is what caused him to cast me aside. My mate is going to die and there's nothing I can do about it."

Eyes hard with disbelief, I stared at the image of my brother, trying to figure out his sick game. "What are you talking about? How do you know this?"

His yellow hues were gleaming with joy that I asked the right question. "Well look around you, Edrei. Look into all our eyes. We're the real victims here! Every single Alpha knows what it means when our eyes turn yellow and instead of accepting that they are responsible for what happened, they send us here to be hidden away and guarded by Alpha Thomas."

Reidon paused, shaking his head. "Haven't you ever wondered why Fucus has the largest territory yet the tribes are so far apart from each other?"

I didn't want to listen to him anymore as my world around me crumpled. This couldn't be real, there was no way Kaelon knew about this, no way that Alpha Thomas could ever be able to keep this from the rest of the pack.

"While my sister thinks about that, I'm going to release pretty little Jenna for one, or maybe two lucky wolves- if they're willing to share."

The crowd went wild causing me to turn my head to the fragile, beaten woman behind. Tears have resumed on her face, glistening against the bright light.

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