08 | In Love

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A/N : Sorry for any errors 💜

Confessional...Take 2

Am I upset about Saturday night? No..no, Nelson was honest with me like he's always been. I mean, did I ever think a man like him could fall in love with me? No..

I'm not usually his type. I'm not young and inexperienced, which is how he described his ex and the women before her. However, I guess I was naive in a way to his feelings for me. Of course he made me feel special and always gave me his undivided attention, I just didn't think it was new for him.

Do I love Nelson? I do....everyone does— he's an amazing man to anyone who knows him. But Could I be in love with him? I don't know, and I don't know if I'm ready to know..


"Is it as bad as you thought?"

"No, my thighs just feel like they're going to fall off any minute."

Laughing, Roger helps me down on the mat. He was being nice enough to let me do some cool down stretching. "Your muscles just need to relax. Leg day is always the most intense, especially when you're not use to this kind of cardio."

"If I would've known you have planned days, I wouldn't have come."

"And that's why I didn't tell you. Now are you going to stop procrastinating?"

"Sorry." Breathing the way he showed me, I relax as he stretches my leg. Let's just say I'm never waking up at 6:30 in the morning for this ever again. I thought it was going to be watching him do weights and pushups like last time, but he wasn't having it.

"As much as I like it, I didn't bring you here to watch me." Said the "one more rep" madman. Remind me to never pick up the phone that early in the morning anyway.

I open my eyes to Roger watching me closely. "What?" I know I look rough, but is it that bad? "You're seeing someone, aren't you?"

"What? Where is this coming from?" That's something else I wasn't expecting from him. He's full of surprises today.

He chuckles, moving to my other leg. "We've become very platonic, although I'm not complaining because I like spending time with you either way. At first I thought it was about your book and then you told me everything was going good. So I figured.."

"..No, there really isn't anyone right now."

"But you have someone in mind. And if not, then I must've done something to turn you off. I'm not being the arrogant fucker you know I can be, I'm just telling the truth when I say this has only happened one other time and that's only cause she got tired of the other women."

Answering honestly, I sit up on my elbows. "Roger, I stopped our sexual relationship because it was getting to be too much for me to juggle along with my other relationships. I was being pulled in different directions when I don't even know where I want to be. I'm in a complicated place right now."

"Pulled in different directions?" He sits back and softly puts my leg down. "Lela, I've always wanted you to follow your heart.. and it just so happens it's not with me, but I'm a big boy. I can handle the truth. Being your friend is more important than being your booty call."

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