06 | Face It,

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"Is that too tight?"

"No, it's perfect. I don't want my feet sliding in the skates while I'm on the floor."

Prince stands from tying my skates and holds his hand out. It's Saturday morning and we're finally about to see if I remember how to skate. Thankfully it's not crowded, so I won't be that embarrassed when I fall on my ass.

"Are you scared?" He asks. To stand up, yes. "I got you Lela, c'mon, I won't let you fall." Grabbing my hands, he helps me up.

"You promise not to let me fall?"

"Not if I can help it." I have to admit that right now is the first time I'm letting his height get to me. However, Prince doesn't seem bothered and steps back until he's on the floor. "Now just take your time and step down down with me."

I nod, easing up to the edge of the carpet. "Y'all good?" Andre asks, skating up behind him with Kim not too far behind. "I got her." Prince answers. I agree and slowly step down. Whew. "Now the hardest part." I laugh.

"We can go slow until you get the hang of it again." He wraps an arm around my waist, using his other hand to hold mine. We skate along the edge and I can't help but giggle at myself. "I probably look so stupid. It's just been years since I thought about getting in skates."

"You could never look stupid. Everyone had to learn somehow, and besides, by the time I'm done with you, you'll be rolling backwards with your eyes closed." He smiles with a wink.

"Woo! Let's go Lela!" Kim yells over the music encouragingly as she passes with Andre in hand. "I'm trying!"

After a couple laps around the rink, I think I'm ready to speed up. Prince lets my waist go and holds my hand while I get into the rhythm of the music playing. Soon I feel confident enough to get in the middle of the floor. "I think I got the hang of it now."

"You sure? I'm gonna let your hand go." His grip loosens and I reassure him I'm going to be okay. He let's go of my hand and turns around, skating backwards to watch me.

I speed up, trying to pass him playfully, but he keeps up easily. "You trying to get away from me?"

"Yes, but it's not working."

"Okay, I'll let you get a head start. If I catch you, you have to introduce the band at our next show. Deal?" He skates close to me, holding out his hand to shake. "Prince, you already know you're going to catch me."

"Then agree baby, please.. Look at these innocent hazel eyes, you can't say no to them." He gives me his best puppy dog stare, blinking his lashes a few times. I have to admit, it is adorable. He's so cute and innocent looking, I can't say no to this face.

"Okay, I'll do it for you."

"Promise? Pinky Promise? Cross your heart?" He asks enthusiastically, holding my hands. "Yes, yes, yes; I promise."

"I like when you say yes like that." Kissing my hand, he spins us around. It scares me a little so I grab onto his forearms. Prince chuckles and makes us come to a stop in the middle of the floor. "One Mississippi..two Mississippi.."

Realizing what he was doing, I try my hardest to skate away from him as fast as I can. I think I really have the hang of it now since I trust myself to skate alone.

"Boo!" Prince yells from behind me, tickling my sides. I jump and grab his hands, almost falling. "You cheated! You cut across the floor!"

"I didn't! My rollerblades are just faster than your skates."

"Okay, so you still cheated by having faster skates." Playfully pushing him, I skate away and find Kim sitting alone. I stop at the edge of the floor and carefully get up on the carpet. "Hey, you okay?"

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