04 | Lela,

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Confessional...Take 1

Why did I choose the men I'm with now? Because I like them, it's that simple

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Why did I choose the men I'm with now? Because I like them, it's that simple. We're not always having sex if that's what you're thinking. Yes, it's a part of our relationship, but sometimes it's enough to be around them.

For example, I could talk to Prince about music for hours, or with Roger we can go see vintage movie and he'll understand what makes it a classic. And Nelson is just the most intelligent guy I know. He'll take me to a museum and explain every exhibit, relating it to life.

I guess ultimately they balance out my life and give me the qualities I would want in a monogamous relationship.

Now, I bet your next question is about my past relationships or future relationships. I've been committed before, yes, however they didn't work out and I'm not mad about that. I've gone with the flow of things and it has led me to these friendships.

As far as future relationships— I want to live in the now and enjoy how well everything is going at the moment. My life couldn't be any better, and speaking if the now, I need to get ready for my date with Roger.


"I need a manuscript by July. I can't continue to push back your deadline Lela." My agent's monotone voice drones over the phone. He's been pressing me about this damn manuscript for the past few days and It's getting to be overbearing.

"I know Ronny, I know. I'll have it by then, promise."
I hope. I'm just trying to get him off my back because I do not work well under pressure. My publisher is acting like my last book didn't make bestseller for six weeks straight. "Matter of fact, I'm writing right now. I'll call you in a few days to let you know how it's going, okay?" I'm lying. I know he'll call me before I can think to call him.

"Good! I'll let you go. Enjoy the rest of your day."

"You too Ron. Bye bye." I hang up quickly and lay my head back on the pillow. I was writing earlier before deciding to take a much needed nap. It's quiet in my apartment. Even Nala, my Ragdoll cat, is in her bed fast asleep. It's too bad I can't be a cat and sleep all day. No worries in the world, huh Nala?

I turn over on my back and stare up at the ceiling. I'm totally not going to be able to go to sleep. "I just need some idea's. One teeny tiny idea.."

Minutes pass and the silence starts to become deafening. I get up out of bed and stretch. Nala peeks at me for her bed then turns around. "Rude." I whisper.

The sound of my phone ringing causes her to jump a little. I snicker, picking it up. "Hello?"

"Good afternoon beautiful, are you ready for tonight?" Nelson's voice in my ear sends chills down my back. "I've been ready since yesterday. Did you need me to pick up anything for dinner?"

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