Chapter 6

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"" is speech without it , it's just thoughts.
Jisung POV :

I was opening my locker when i saw a note that read :
"Hey Jisung ,
i really have a crush on you. you're very cute.
-Your secret admirer , W.SH"
I was confused , who would even like me and who is this guy? I saw Minho looking at me asking what i was reading so i told him. He looks pissed?
I don't know i'm probably just reading too much , there's no way he likes me and is jealous.

Minho POV :

Ugh..why did i have to i'm mad. Who the hell is that. Why am i even mad? What the hell. I shouldn't even be mad.  I should be happy someone likes him. But why does the thought of that makes me upset?

3 Weeks Later...

Jisung POV :

Several weeks have pass and i still receive notes everyday from the same person i'm really curious who it is. So i decided to write a note back , "Hey it's me , i don't know how to say this but i kinda already like someone else but if you want we can be great friends."
As expected, i saw a note after lesson.. I opened it and it read "H-Hi My name is Woo Suho. And its okay if you have another person in your life. I would be happy to be your friend. Maybe i could join you for Lunch? Here's my number.. XXXX-XXXX."
Ah..Suho..Isn't he my english partner along with Hyunjin ? Oh well.. I messaged him and told him to join us for lunch.

Lunch Time..

Jisung POV :

"Hey everyone this is my new friend , Suho he would be joining us for lunch everyday now. Please treat him well."

Suho :

The rest of lunch went pretty smooth

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The rest of lunch went pretty smooth. It was fun having him around. We were laughing a lot. For some reason though , Minho looks pissed.

Minho POV :

So he's the stupid guy who keep confessing. Thank god he rejected him. But why am i even happy about that? Also why the hell am i angry at the fact Suho and Jisung is laughing so much together..Am i..No no no it can't be. Im definitely not. However , i can't help but glare though.
I was scrolling my phone camera roll when i noticed a few pictures that Chan sent me..Oh right i forgot to mention , Chan knows about how i feel. I can't tell the other 6 and Jisung since they are all dating and yea.

Why am i even so happy here

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Why am i even so happy here...i remember my heart racing that he was touching me.

Why did i even hold him like this here??

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Why did i even hold him like this here??

Why did i even hold him like this here??

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What was i trying to do...i still remember how good he smell and i just wanted to..i..i for some odd reason...wanted to kiss him..what am i even thinking?

Do i really look at him like that subconsciously? He just is so adorable

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Do i really look at him like that subconsciously? He just is so adorable..i..i wanna hold his hand for some reason. I don't know. What are all these feelings? Someone please tell me. Chan said that it could be because i like him..
But that's impossible. I'm straight..right?

Meanwhile with Jisung..

Jisung POV :
Oh i received a picture from Felix..
Oh....Wait- what..

Is this that obvious that i like him

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Is this that obvious that i like him..?
Look at me. I'm smiling subconsciously like a doofus beside him..But i have to admit. We look good together here..If only he liked me back.

A/N : How's this? 🥺🤧💗 It's another short chapter!! The jealousy though..
And yes Jisung it's obvious you like him. Even in real life 😉😉

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