Chapter 3

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"" is speech without it , it's just thoughts.
————————————————————-Jisung POV :

I feel really bad for avoiding him. But i have to..or maybe i don't. Why should i? Look at ChangLix and WooMin they are cute and confident and everyone loves them. Nah i have to. I'm too easy to bully..Everyone hates me. Plus Minho probably don't want me around. I don't know. Can i say though i do miss talking to him but i guess Hyunjin was fun to talk to too. I will just talk to Minho normally i guess. I don't want to ruin our friendship. He's my best friend he doesn't deserve this silent treatment.

MinHo POV :

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG he's talking to me. Wait- Why am i even excited i don't know. i guess i just miss my best friend. I was talking to him normally when i notice Eun Mi glaring at him. I shrugged it off as i know she doesn't like him. Except the fact she keeps clinging onto me.  I found it annoying so i shouted at her to go away. Jisung saw that and looked shock. He look at me than her and back at me. He stood silent for awhile and then spoke again. This time he said he needed to go for lesson. I didn't even notice the time went by so fast. I'm just happy i got my best friend back. I was walking to him to class since he has English and i have Math i decided to bring to class first. When watching him go in , i saw Hyunjin pop out of nowhere and hung his arms around Jisung and they were talking very happily. I- I don't know what's this.. That stupid feeling is back. Except this time i feel angry and sad. I wanna just be in his position again. But the same time i'm hurt he isn't smiling as bright with me.. What's this feeling? Is this what they call jealousy? Like i wanna find out more. I heard the second bell and faster ran to math. But i couldn't focus the whole lesson all i could think about was those two. I- I feel super annoyed. Lunch finally came and i went to sit beside Jisung as usual. This time Chan was the one who spoke and said that Hyunjin and Jisung look good together when they are happy. I don't know why but that made me angry and i just told them to shut up and continue eating. I don't know why i snapped at them or why i was so pissed. I could see Jisung staring at me with a shocked face and slightly pink cheeks. But he looked sad too. Did i scare him...? oh no..

Jisung POV :

D-did he just shout at the comment? Is he jealous? Nah i'm just thinking too much. He's probably just had a bad day or something. Hopefully he's okay :). I love him and i love him more than anything. I wish he liked me back. I suddenly realised i was staring at him and faster look away but my cheeks were already red. And suddenly i was sad because i remembered he'll never like me..

Minho POV :

I wanna know what that feeling is. Three weeks have passed and we got chosen as a pair to do a dance together by category. It was chic. So we did the dance as told and later that night i received a photo from our teacher :

 So we did the dance as told and later that night i received a photo from our teacher :

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. screamed hot.. Look at him he's so happy. I remember clearly that i was feeling really flustered when we did that because he's smile is really very charming i don't know.. Cute? Hot? Arghhhhh. W-we look really good together. I don't know why but i felt really happy from that thought. He looks super into it too. Am i falling for him slowly? Nahhh it's just gay panic. Right? Uhehhe.. Imagine if we were really together.. it be perfect. NO WHAT THE HECK AM I THINKING NO NO NO. I'm straight. No Boy Love. No No. But he's really.. UGH WKDKEKXKEKMCKDD NAH. GOOD DAY NOPE I- UGHHHH WHY IS THIS SO FRUSTRATING. What are feelings??

Two Days Later..

There he is. SMILING WITH OH LOOK IM PERFECT MY NAME IS HYUNJIN. Wtf? Why am i even saying. I'm just pissed for some reason. I don't know. I looked over to see Woojin and Seungmin looking really cute together and saw Felix and Changbin too. I thought if only Jisung and I could be like that. NO- STOP IT YOU DUMB BRAIN. I DON'T LIKE HIM LIKE THAT. NO HE'S JUST MY BEST FRIEND. YEA. BEST FRIEND. WHY AM I EVEN MAD?? I don't know. I just secretly wish i was in Hyunjin's Position... I will just admit it i guess. There really isn't a way to run from it. I- I- I can't even say it. Because i don't believe it. Maybe one day i will . I'll just leave it here.. I , Lee Minho , Officially am , Starting to fall for my best friend , Han Jisung , slowly. What did i even just wrote in my diary.. I like Jisung? NAH IT CANT BE.. But for some reason i don't wanna cancel it. It made me..warm and happy for some reason. I don't know what these feelings are.. I guess.. I'm falling for you slowly.

A/N : How was it? 🥺🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️
Damn Minhoe just date Han already..
Zz did i just ^ Oh well.

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