Chapter 35: Haewa

Start from the beginning


I looked up and noticed Jen enjoying the kisses she was getting. I smiled. "Or I can just make love to you now."

She opened her eyes and smiled. "I thought you'd never say it."

I chuckled, shaking my head before sitting up and undressing. 


We had been staying at the BC house for nearly a month, when zaezzes finally had finished the new house. She'd say she wanted it furnished, equipped with a security system, have multiple security teams search the place, and have it approved by the BC before we'd be able to move in.

And so, finally, we could move out of the BC house and into the new house. Finally, Jen and I wouldn't have to sleep in an exercise room anymore.

When Jen saw the new house, she was baffled. She hadn't imagined a mansion this big, I'm guessing... And when she saw our brand new room, she seemed really happy.

Mom and zaezzes, and everyone else, all seemed happy to be back at a house. A house we'd make our home.

The new house contained much of the old house's facilities, such as: a home office for zaezzes and aunt Esmee, a large garden and swimming pool, a huge basement with different 'rooms' and guard posts at every entrance.

When we had all settled in, the BC came by. Not to ask us how we were doing, but for Jen. They had brought something alongside them.

Mom smiled at the sight of it and told the BC she'd handle it. She took Jen with her and they disappeared into the bathroom.


Third person's POV

Lily opened the little suitcase, revealing the one thing that changed her whole life: the pregnancy syringe.

But to Jen, this syringe seemed rather scary. She was worried about it and why the BC brought it especially for her. "W-what's that?"

"A syringe," Lily prepared it for the test. "Give me your arm."

Jen gulped, crossing her arms.

Lily noticed Jen was tense and so put the syringe down. "What's wrong? You know I'd never hurt you, or my grandchild."

Jen nodded. "I just don't trust that." She pointed to the syringe.

Lily chuckled a bit. "I know how it can seem scary," She started, showing Jen a sympathetic smile. "But trust me, it's nothing to worry about."

"Then what is it?"

"It's a pregnancy test," Lily took the syringe again. "The needle goes into your vein and measures the number of blood cells in your body. That number is the indication of whether or not you're pregnant."

Jen frowned. "What do my blood cells have to do with me being pregnant?"

"A baby of Emily's kind needs blood," Lily said to which Jen slowly nodded. "That draw of blood towards your belly will be measured."

Jen understood what Lily was saying yet it remained confusing to her. So, instead of trying to understand this complicated matter, she nodded.

Lily chuckled as she saw Jen still didn't understand. "When a human is carrying a human baby, blood tests show certain hormones that confirm the pregnancy," She said to which Jen nodded, this she knew. "Well, instead of testing hormones, it's measuring the number of blood cells in your body as your baby would take all. That's why, during pregnancy, you'll sometimes feel a lot of pain. Because your blood is literally being taken from you."

Jen sighed. "Let's do the pregnancy test then."

Lily chuckled once more before performing the test. When the syringe beeped, Lily smiled and looked at Jen. "Congrats," She put the syringe away in the suitcase again. "You're about halfway through."

"I know," Jen felt her belly. "I feel a presence."

Lily smiled more. "I think someone else is eager to hear the result too." She motioned to the door, where Emily was caught spying on them.

"Hey," Jen patted her lap to which Emily walked to them. "You could've just come with us, you know?"

Emily nodded. "So," She looked from Lily to Jen. "What's the result?"

Lily looked at Jen, giving her the chance to reveal the result. "Of course, we are pregnant, haewa."

Emily smiled before hugging Jen. "I love you, haewa."

"I love you too, haewa."

Fighting history (Threequel to 'Lucky 13')Where stories live. Discover now