Chapter 37: No choice

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Emily's POV

After school, grandpa was waiting in his car for me. While I was walking to his car, I looked around. I was more aware of people looking at me now that Julian had told me about the rumors.

"Hey grandpa," I said as I entered the car. "Thanks for picking me up." I put on my seatbelt.

"You know it's my pleasure, Emi," He started the car and started driving us home. "How was school?"

I huffed.

"Not good?"

"It was," I looked at him. "But I just wanted to be home with Jen."

He nodded. "Just like Catherine."

I smiled before looking outside the window.


When we arrived home, grandpa told me to get in already. And since I was really impatient to see and hold Jen again, I rushed inside.

"Emily," I heard zaezzes say from her office at home. "Come here."

I sighed but decided to listen to her. I walked to the office and stopped when I noticed the BC there. The tables were placed in the shape of a circle. The BC sat in front of mom and zaezzes. Aunt Esmee was seated at mom's left side. "W-what's going on here?"

"Come here." Mom patted the seat on zaezzes' right side.

I slowly walked to the seat, looking at the faces of the BC and my family. When I arrived at the seat, I slowly went to sit down.

Zaezzes then looked at me. "The council paid us a visit because they have something important to say to all of us."

I slowly nodded before looking at the council.

The leader cleared his throat before saying: "Superior, our Queen, Young Superior," He started, addressing us by our titles as that was protocol. "We were very delighted by the news of our Young Superior expecting offspring, but we are very worried about the future."

"Why?" I asked, I really didn't understand them. 

The BC looked at me, noticing I wasn't letting them talk about me without me. "Young Superior," They started, addressing me yet again. "We are worried about our people."


"You haven't fulfilled your duty to your people."

"My duty?"

The BC nodded. "Your sole duty is to protect your people."

I raised my eyebrows. "What do you mean, I haven't fulfilled my duty?" I asked but, before they could reply, I went on: "I found my one true love and she will give us the next in line, and thus the curse will be delayed again for another 30 years. I fulfilled my duty."

"Not quite."

"How is that not fulfilling my duty?" When I had asked that, I noticed zaezzes and aunt Esmee look down, seemingly knowing the answer to that question.

"Young Superior," The BC started. "Having offspring is one of the two conditions a Superior must do for their people, the other condition is to stop Bloodborn."

"Stop Bloodborn?"

They nodded.

"How am I supposed to do that?"

They looked from me to mom. "You have to connect with your number one potential."

"No way!"

"Hianag," Zaezzes raised her voice a bit, motioning me to keep calm. "They're right."

I looked at zaezzes. "I am in a relationship with Jen," I looked around at the BC. "She's expecting my child," I gulped. "Why would I ever connect with my mom then? There's no need for us to try."

"Because connecting with your number one potential is the only way to make Bloodborn cease to exist."

I gulped as I remembered this same conversation with mom, long before Jen and I started something.

"Your duty is to protect your people, you have no choice."

I looked down, sighing as I realized they would keep bothering me with this. 

"You turned before the age of 18, it's a sign that your Bloodborn form is stronger than the Mother Superior's," The BC said, making me look at them. "You have to stop it."

"Emily," Aunt Esmee said, gaining my attention. "I know it's a disgusting thought but the BC's right, you have to stop Bloodborn," She sighed. "It already took important people from us..."

"But I don't want to - "

"You don't want to turn and murder Jen, do you?" Zaezzes suddenly said.

"Of course not," I gulped, looking down. "I wouldn't be able to live with that."

"My dad refused help with his condition and it made him turn and do horrible things," Zaezzes looked down, she always had a hard time with this subject. "You have a chance to stop this."

I gulped before looking at mom, who had been awfully quiet this whole time. "Mom," I said to which she looked at me. "What do you have to say?"

She sighed. "I'll never think that this is ok, but I don't want you to turn. If I can help, in any way, I will."

Zaezzes nodded as she wrapped an arm around mom. "I'm proud of you." She said softly before kissing mom's cheek.

I looked down. I was so conflicted about this matter. Of course, I wanted to stop the Bloodborn form. Of course, I wanted to protect my people. But it didn't feel right. I don't want to hurt Jen in any way.

"You have no choice, Young Superior." The BC repeated.

"Can I think about it?" I looked up at them. "I need time to think."

"Young Superior, you don't have much time left," The BC looked worriedly. "You have to connect with your mother before you turn 18."

I looked down again. I had one more month. One month to decide how, when, and if I'll hurt Jen.

"Young Superior, we urge you to connect with your mother as it is in the best interest of you, your loved ones, and your people."

I looked up at the BC. I simply nodded before getting up. "I'll always protect my people," I sighed deeply. "I'll do anything necessary to do that." I gulped, realizing what I had to do.

"Very well," The BC got up too. "We thank you, Young Superior, for your willingness to protect our nation." They bowed before leaving the office.

When they had left, I let myself fall back in the seat and sighed deeply.

"I'm very proud of you, hianag," Zaezzes smiled at me, patting my shoulder. "You'll be a very good Mother Superior one day."

"Absolutely." Aunt Esmee smiled too.

"Let me know when you're ready." Mom said gently, it was clear she felt as uncomfortable as I did.

I slowly nodded before getting up again. "I'm going to my haewa," I walked to the door. "Don't interrupt us."

And so I went upstairs and to my room. I entered and saw Jen reading a book. I smiled as I walked to the bed. "Hey haewa," I went to lay down next to her on the bed. "I missed you."

She smiled at me as she put the book away. "I missed you too," She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me on her. "Where have you been all this time?"

I leaned in closer to her beautiful face. "I was waiting impatiently to kiss those amazing lips again," I leaned my forehead against hers. "May I?"

She smiled a bit. "You may."

And with that, I connected our lips.

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