~Chapter Seven

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The next morning, Sam and Dean were up and awake before Gabriel and Castiel were. It was almost noon and they figured that it was time for them to wake up and start the day like everyone else. Going back upstairs to check on the kids, Sam was really surprised on how quiet it was, to be honest. He had figured that they would be fighting and screaming at each other, but no. It was 100% quiet for once...

"Guys, it's time to wake up," Sam had said as he opened the door to their bedroom. He had expected to see the two kids laying on the bed and that was it. Nope. What he saw was what he never thought he would see. Gabriel and Castiel were wrapped up in what seemed to be golden and black angel wings. Sam couldn't help himself but stare at them for a few seconds before backing out of the room, closing the door quietly behind him. He had to show this to Dean right now.

Dean was downstairs in the kitchen making lunch while Sam was upstairs getting the kids to wake up. When turning around, he saw Sam standing in the kitchen doorway and it had made him jump. "Dammit, Sammy. Don't scare me like that!" Dean told him as he was studying his brothers face. He was pale and it looked like his eyes were about to pop out of his skull. "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." Dean chuckled to himself at the little joke that he had just made. "Where are the kids at-"

"Upstairs," Sam said quickly, cutting Dean's sentence off. "I think you should go look at them."

Dean put the plate that he was holding down on the table as he gave Sam a puzzled look. What was his problem? What was wrong with the kids? "Um... Okay...?" He said slowly before going upstairs with Sam following close behind him. "What's the prob-"

"Shhh..." Sam said, putting a finger to his lips to silence Dean. He opened the door to Gabriel and Castiel's room slowly to show Dean what the big deal was. "Look," he whispered.

Dean looked into the room expecting to see nothing but the kids sleeping, but when he saw the angel wings his eyes went wide. "Holy shit!" He accidentally yelled, earning a glare from Sam.

Gabriel moved his golden wings aside so he could see what was going on and why people were yelling in his room. "What are you doing?" Gabriel said then cleared his throat so he could get his voice back from sleeping so long. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Why are you shouting?" Sam and Dean were still staring at him and he didn't know what their problem was. "What?"

Castiel sat up next to Gabriel, yawning. "What's goin' on, Gabe?"

"I dunno..."

"Why the hell do you two have wings?!" Dean demanded. He had felt like he should take out a weapon to defend himself with in case the kids had turned out to be dangerous, but they were just kids. Also, if they were planning on hurting or killing either him or Sam they would have done so already, right?

"Oh yeah..." Gabriel said mostly to himself as he turned his head around to look at his wings. "About that. Yeah, we're angels," he said with a shrug as if it really wasn't that big of a deal. Well, it wasn't that big of a deal to him and Castiel because they had always had wings and never really had to explain it to anyone.

"Angels?" Sam and Dean said together as if they didn't believe a word that Gabriel had just told them.

"Yup." Gabriel snapped his fingers and he now had a chocolate bar in his hand. "You do know what angels are, right?"

"Yeah, but..." Sam started to say but stopped himself because what could he say about this? How was he suppose to react? Were they dangerous or not? He wasn't so sure now...

"Do you thing maybe it would have been a good idea to tell us this when we first brought you home?" Dean demanded. He didn't realize that he was now shouting at the kids which was scaring Castiel.

Castiel whimpered as he wrapped his black wings around himself to block everything out, he was now scared that Sam and Dean were going to hurt him and his brother. "See what you did!" Gabriel snapped at Sam and Dean. "You're scaring him!"

"Why didn't you tell us, Gabriel?" Sam asked in a calmer voice than Dean's, ignoring what Gabriel had just yelled at him.

"Because this would happen... You would yell at us... And Balthazar would have gotten mad at me for telling any human what we truly are..." Gabriel wrapped his arms around his little brother who was sobbing silently. "He said never tell anyone because humans wouldn't understand us..."

"Do you really know where he is or are you keeping that a secret from us too?" Dean asked, trying as hard as he could not to shout or show how angry he was at the the two angels. Gabriel looked away from Dean. "You do, don't you?"

"I don't technically know where he's at..." He started to say softly, looking at Castiel who was still hiding behind his wings. "But I know what he's doing." He was now mostly talking to Castiel and not even paying attention to Sam and Dean.

"What? What is he doing?" Castiel asked as he was slightly peaking out from behind his wings, looking at Gabriel will red swollen eyes from his sobbing.

"Cas... He... He's losing his grace..."

"He is not!" Castiel snapped as he hid his wings away as Gabriel did.

"It's true. He didn't want me to tell you..."

"Why not?"

"He didn't want you to worry. Which you shouldn't," he added quickly. "Because he's trying to fine more. When he does, he'll come back to get us." Castiel didn't look at all satisfied with the answers he had just gotten. "What else do you want me to tell you, Cas? I can't tell you anything that I don't know!"

"Okay..." Castiel whispered, looking down at the floor, tears were starting to fill his eyes once again.

"Hey, hey," Sam said as he walked over to Castiel and picked him up from the bed. "Don't cry, Cas. It's gonna be okay." He said as he hugged the crying angel. "We're still gonna look after you two until Balth gets his grace back. "

"We'll what?" Dean asked Sam. He couldn't believe that he was still going to keep the kids here even though they were just told that they were freakin' angels.

"What? We're not throwing them back out on the streets. That'll be like, a sin or something."

"They're angels, Sammy. We don't have the slightest clue on how to handle them."

"So? They're still the same as they were last night."



Dean sighed, looking at the kids. "You're right, Sammy... You're always right..."

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