~Chapter One

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On the way to the hospital the older child had woken up for a brief moment, but long enough to tell Dean what his name was and what his little brothers name was. The older brother who they were both waiting for was named Balthazar, his little brother in the backseat was Castiel and his own name was Gabriel. That was all that Dean could get out of Gabriel before the kid passed out again. At least Dean now knew what to call them both when checking them in to the hospital... Dean parked the Impala in front of the emergency entrance of the hospital, he left the kids in the car while he went inside the hospital to tell the nurses what was going on. It was a matter of seconds before a nurse and a doctor came outside and removed them from the car and into the emergency room, Dean now had the joy of hanging back to answer all these medical questions for the kids that he didn't know anything about...

"Can you tell me their names?" A nurse asked Dean who was now sitting in the waiting room.

"The tall older one with darkest blond hair. His name is Gabriel."

"Alright, and the other one?"


"Who are they to you?"

"Uh..." Dean thought about it for a few seconds before answering. "They're my... cousins. But we just met recently so they don't really know me that well and I don't know that much about them either. So..."

"That's fine. We'll call you when anything changes on their condition."

"Thanks..." Dean said with a small smile. He took out his cell phone and went out into the hallway to call Sam.

"Dean? Are you okay?" Sam asked at once when he picked up his phone.

"I'm fine."

"Where are you?"

"At the hospital-"


"I'm fine, just don't worry about me, okay? I found these two kids outside and they were incredibly sick so I had to take them to the hospital."

"Are you serious?"

Dean rolled his eyes heavily before letting out a sigh of annoyance. "No, no... I'm making all of this stuff up for the fun of it!" He answered sarcastically. There was a long pause on the other end of the line that made Dean think that Sam had hung up on him or something. "Hello? Sam?"

"Y'know... You don't always got to use sarcasm. Anyways, how about I meet you there?"

"If you want."


Just as Sam showed up at the hospital to meet up with Dean, the nurses had just told Dean that Castiel had just woken up from his deep sleep. Apparently they both had some seriously bad colds that had been caused from being outside in the cold for too long... But the nurses didn't need to know how their colds had gotten so bad. The nurses also explained that if the kids just got enough rest and stayed inside for a couple of weeks they should be as good as new and could leave the hospital today if they wanted to. Dean had promised that he and Sam would take great care of the kids until this Balthazar show up and came to take them back where ever home was.

"You just found them like this?" Sam asked Dean just to confirm as they were walking down the hallway to find the children's hospital room.

"Yeah, dude. It was totally heartbreaking to watch."

"I bet..." Sam was watching the room numbers go down as they were walking down the hallway. "Room 201, here we go." Going inside the room, the boy who was called Castiel was sitting up in the bed watching cartoons on the TV. There were dark circles under his eyes and he still looked just as sick as he did as when he was outside. Gabriel, on the other hand, was still sleeping in his own hospital bed. "Hey, kiddo. How are you?" Sam asked Castiel in the calmest voice that he could manage without scaring him.

Castiel looked up at Sam and Dean, his blue eyes went wide in confusion and he tilted his head to the side. "Who are you?" The five year old asked them. He looked at Gabriel who was still sleeping. "What did you do to my brother?!" He demanded.

"Relax, Castiel," Dean told him, putting a hand on his shoulder so he would stop trying to get out of the bed.

"How do you know my name...?"

"Gabriel told me when I was driving you two here."

"Balthazar? Where's Balthazar?"

"I dunno." Dean took a seat on one of the two chairs that were in the small hospital room.

Castiel started crying his eyes out, he was so scared and felt alone without Gabriel being awake. He also missed Balthazar and just wanted him to come back so they could all go back home. Here he just felt so helpless and didn't know what to do now. Sam came up and hugged Castiel to try and make him feel better, but it wasn't doing much good. He was trying everything that he could to try and calm the small child down but nothing was working.

"It's okay, Castiel. Please, please stop crying. Everything will be okay, we promise." Sam said, still trying to calm the crying child down. He was rubbing his hand up and down Castiel's baco.

Castiel wiped the tears from his eyes and looked up at Sam who gave him a reassuring smile. "Is Gabriel going to be okay?"

"Should be. He's just resting, that's all," Dean explained. "Do you happen to know where Balthazar is? We can take you to him."

Castiel shook his head. "He never tells us where he goes... But he always shows up where ever we are no matter what."

"So lets say we take you back to our place to keep you two safe until he comes back..." Sam started to say. "Would he know that you were there and then take you back home?"


"Right," Dean said, sitting on the edge of Castiel's bed. "Would you and Gabriel be okay with that? Just until your brother comes back? We don't want you two back on the streets." Castiel nodded. "Great. You'll be safe and sound."

In the next bed over, Gabriel rolled over in his bed and opened his eyes. When he saw the two strangers near his little brother he quickly sat up. He tried to get out of the hospital bed, but he was much too weak to actually do so. "Get away from my brother!" Gabriel yelled at them. "Don't hurt him!"

"It's okay, Gabriel. They're nice," Castiel told his older brother.

When Gabriel took another look at the strangers, he recognized Dean as the one who had helped them earlier. "You were the one who had helped us..."

"Yeah, I'm Dean and this is my little brother Sammy."

"Sam," Sam quickly corrected, glaring at Dean for using his childhood nickname that he did not like at all.

Dean rolled his eyes. "Whatever, Sammy."

"It's Sam!"

"Whatever!" Dean cleared his throat before looking back at Gabriel. "As we were just saying to Castiel, we can let you two stay at our place until your older brother comes back to get you."

"Well... I guess..." Gabriel muttered.

"Alright, awesome. In order for you two to be able to get out of here you'll have to lie. Can you do that?"

"Why?" Castiel asked with a puzzled look on his face. "We can't tell the truth?"

"Because, dork. Lying can get you anything that you could ever want!" Gabriel told Castiel then stuck his tongue out at him.

"Oh... I guess I understand..."

"Gabriel gets it. We told them that you just met us, you we're your cousins. Your last name is Winchester. Got that?"

Gabriel shrugged. "Sounds simple enough."


"But... I'll only do it if I get a lollipop."

Sam rolled his eyes. "I'll get you a bag of lollipops if you just go through with it."


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