"That is fine. Let's go now."

Mingyu nodded, and began to lead the way, on a small path through the trees. As they got closer, the traveling group began to feel the excitement for what was to come. While many showed it, both Minho and Yongbok kept a frozen face, with no emotions showing.

As they rode, Changbin kept glancing at Yongbok with worry. What was wrong with him? His usually happy self was now emotionless, and just following behind his cousin. Changbin continued to worry, until his attention was pulled away to deal with other things.

They arrived in a small clearing, at the base of a huge, towering hill that they had been able to see from the capitol. It's top was missing.

Mingyu walked up right next to the tunnel. "Please, light your torches. It is quite dark in here!" he pulled out his own torch, and lit it, before continuing into the tunnel, with Changbin at his heels.

They walked for a long time, before something came into their view. It was a door, surrounded by men. Which must have been guards.

As they got closer, the guards tensed up, their weapons drawn. The man in the front shouted, "Who goes there?"

Mingyu came to a halt, as did everyone behind him. "General! It is me! I have arrived with the men from the Lee Kingdom!"

A beautiful man approached. As beautiful as he was, he did not look like one who would be a general, and was not half as bulky looking as General Jeon, who had made his way to the front to stand with his prince.

Changbin also pushed his way forward. "General! They are safe! Open the doors!"

The general, still suspicious, finally nodded. "Alright! Open up the doors!" he yelled, and the doors began to creak open. He stepped out of their way, so they could see the insides.

The group walked into the grounds, and looked around. It seemed like they were in a hollowed up hill, where the top was gone, and the sky visible.

Changbin looked around and nodded. "Welcome to the Crown Prince's palace."

"Why is it so tucked away?" Yongbok asked, finally dropping his mask. "Our palaces are not half as hidden!"

Changbin nodded. "That would make sense, since you have more than two heirs to the kingdom. We, however, do not. And, as a result, we must make sure that both of ours are safe. Plus, the First Princess will be having her baby in the coming months, and we have signs that it will be a prince. When he is born, our Crown Prince will be much safer."

"Why does your Crown Prince not have children?"

"He is promised in a marriage that can not allow for children. The duties of having children had fallen onto the First Princess's shoulders."

"What does that mean, he can't have children? Is the woman he is promised to not able to bear children?" Bang Chan asked, intrigued.

"Not, not quite..." Changbin glanced at Minho and bit his lip. "It is more like he can not have kids."

"Waa!" Hyunjin gasped. "Is he deformed?" Jeongin slapped him.

"No. That is enough about the prince. It is time you meet him!" Changbin called for a group of guards to come, take their horses, and rest them, while he led the princes towards the Throne Room.

As they reached the grand doors that lead inside, much discussion could be heard. Changbin stopped for a moment, before throwing the doors open.

Inside, there were three thrones. One was empty, and the other had a man, maybe seven or eight years older than the Crown Prince sitting on it. Who must have been Master Kang. In the third, a young prince with a frown on his face was speaking.

"I tell you once again, Lady Choi, but I can not allow you to marry into this family. It can not be done."

"And why is that?" Lady Choi demanded. "My family was promised this nearly a hundred years ago, and it still has not happened!"

The crown prince sighed, and sat back on his throne, glancing over at the master at his side. "The promise has been broken. It is impossible. There is no one to marry your daughter."

"What?" the lady roared, and the small girl at her side withered behind her. "You are unmarried, and you say you can not do so?"

A loud laugh rang through the hall, shutting the conversation down. All four people in the room turned to see where it had come from.

A handsome young man stood at the head of the large group of nobles that had just arrived. His head was up high, tall and proud, and he looked relaxed to no end. "Is this the most major problem that you are dealing with at the moment, Your Highness?" he bowed, before beginning to walk forward. Master Kang stood, but said nothing.

Minho walked until he stood right by the side of the demanding lady, and sneered at her. "Lady, no one here wants to marry your daughter. You should stop now, before you embarrass yourself more!"

The lady fumed at the new arrival in basic, slightly dirty clothes, and turned to face him. "You! Who are you to say that to me? I am the wife of Master Choi Beom-kyo, and you still say that to me?"

Minho burst into laughter. "Lady. I am not from your country. I do not care who your husband is. It doesn't matter to me!"

"Oh? Then who are you?"

Yongbok arrived at his cousin's side. He bowed to the prince, who was watching this scene go down. "Your Highness," he murmured, bowing his head, before he turned and suddenly sneered at the woman along with his cousin. "You should learn your place, lady. If we were back at our own home, you would be hung right now!"

"What gives you so much authority?!"

Changbin cleared his throat, breaking up the feud. "Lady Choi, it is time for you to go," he said. "For this is the Lee Crown Prince, Lee Minho, and Prince Lee Yongbok. It would not be wise of you to test their patience!"

The lady paled. They wore simple clothing... which must have meant they had been traveling! Realizing her grave mistake, she bowed deeply, to the ground. "Please, forgive me, Your Highness! I deserve to die a thousand deaths!"

Minho snorted. "Leave now. I have matters to discuss with your prince!"

As Lady Choi left, Minho turned to face the prince that was staring down at him from his throne. "My, my, Little Prince Jisung.... how you have grown!" he smirked, as the Han Crown Prince narrowed his eyes.

"Prince Minho. What a pleasant surprise."

AHHHHHH! It was not good! Not good! .... please ignore this chapter. I don't like it very much, and I'm sorry about it. I still hope you enjoyed it... thank you so much for reading!

(Edit: Sungjin was originally supposed to be Woojin, so I'm sorry if Sungjin and Changbin's relationship seems slightly odd.)

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